Another week in the books! I think you probably have word on your next transfer...I'm excited to hear what you're doing! I'm starting to realize I gotta get going on Holly's wedding!!! Only 2 transfers left! haha.
Next week we're going up north for Pioneer Day and to see everybody. We won't have you or AJ though...bummer! We are only spending Friday evening to Monday morning so it will be a quick trip. Hopefully it will be fun packed though.
It's been a good week - Monday we went to House of Slice - a new restaurant (Roy's Pizza went out of business) in the Zion strip mall. They have yummy calzones and it's not very crowded (not a good sign really!!!)
Tuesday evening was RS and we had a swim party at Marilyn Ulrich's place. She has a nice home with a large pool and slide in the backyard. Probably 20 women showed up and we visited and swam (yes quite a few ladies actually got in!!!!). The fact that we are having 100-115 degree temps this week may have helped to get some in that might have not in the past.
Wednesday evening we played pickleball. It was still 100 at 8 p.m. when we started. Whew. We are hardy! haha.
Thursday dad cooked some crazy meat that looks like bam bam food from the flintstones. It was yummy and fun. AJ came over late to get leftovers and hung out for maybe an hour. He's staying busy trying to work through things.
Friday dad got Wendy's and brought it home for our lunch because GPA went to Hurricane with his friends from New Harmony. They are all getting old and sickly and he doesn't know how much longer they can continue to get together. The Brills - Chuck and Jackie are slowing down and struggling with their health (Seriously don't know how they've lasted as long as they have...he's been so close to death so many times.) The McCoys - Bill and Cindy -- Bill has dementia and GPA said it was so hard getting him from the car to the table. They had to remind him to move his feet. I don't recall the other ones name but that couple is actually younger and fairly healthy. GPA thinks they might have one or two lunches left together before they have to call it quits. We relaxed and swam and hung out.
Holly got offered the manager position at Daylight Donuts. She's pretty excited. She'll get one more shift a week and then duties as needed. I think she is responsible for scheduling and purchasing and making sure donuts get made every day. She says she was doing the job before anymore mostly so she's not worried about it. She came over and had snickerdoodle cookies with us and hung out for awhile. We spent some time thinking wedding stuff but didn't really accomplish anything.
Saturday I went at 6:15 a.m. to the temple with the youth. We had 2 girls and 8 boys. Pretty small group. (We had said we weren't doing July activities and then they keep having them anyway...but since we told everyone we weren't (and they are on vacation etc too) we are getting bad turnout. We had a trip to Brigham Young House on Wednesday last week and there is a combined activity next week. Oh well -- whatever, right?! I told dad I'd play pickleball with him every week but looks like it might only be one or two weeks. We'll see.
I spent an hour in the 105 trimming a tree in the front yard. The pool never felt so great! Our water is still around 80 degrees and it is wonderful in the hot hot day. Most of my friends are complaining about hot water in their pools but we've been fortunate and it's stayed cool in ours.
Saturday evening we went to Angelica's and then to Tuacahn and watched the Hunchback of Notre Dame. It was lots and lots of singing and dancing and SO SO SO SO HOT! Sweat was running down the back of my legs. It was really uncomfortable. I think it was around 100 when it started at 8:45 p.m. and still 95 when it ended at 11:45. Long sit in the heat. They did a good job on the play (it was opening night) -- but the heat really made it a tough sit.
It's Sunday morning and LInda and I walked at 6 a.m. due to the heat (115 predicted for today). We had a nice walk. She had two nephews kill themselves in the past two weeks. These are Elliot's side of the family. They've had 5 suicides total. Elliot has threatened suicide in the past as well...just tough. Seems almost genetic. They have a lot of depression and anxiety.

I don't really have a spiritual thought for the week...but maybe a question for you. Our YW group is really divided. We have some girls that absolutely refuse to associate/interact with other girls. I don't even know exactly who is mad at who...but at some point in their lil lives they feel like the other person has bullied or been unkind and they no longer want anything to do with the other person. They basically say it's unmendable. They won't even consider reconciliation...what the heck can I do to help this? I know of two girls in particular and I've talked to them a tiny bit individually (I still don't know much of anything about what they are so upset about). -- and both have adamantly said no way no how are they resolving this and talking to the other again. What can I do???? There is such a rift!
I feel like this is exactly what church is about - forgiveness. Loving others. Etc. But I also get that if someone wronged you that you don't go sign up to get mistreated again. So I just don't know!
Any thoughts would be appreciated!
I'm going to try to go back to bed now and get a little more sleep. Look forward to hearing from you and finding out what great adventures you've had this week.
Love you! mom

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