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07/30/23 What? I just talked to you Thursday!

 Seems like we just talked...cause we DID! Haha

Hopefully, all is well and you are enjoying your new comp and your new roomies. Sounds like a fun arrangement!  Since we just talked a couple of days ago I feel like you know everything...but I'll write some stuff anyway cause I know you love to get letters from your mommy!

So it was a pretty fast week (and tiring) because Monday was the Holiday. Tuesday we had to get up early after a long weekend -- and dinner at Laura's, and fireworks!!!  I had a department head meeting - which we do every Tuesday - and they provide breakfast - so that's always super cool. 

After a long weekend, we got off work Tuesday and were thinking of going to a movie or something...and we just couldn't!  We were just tired!  We got in our jammies and went to bed early. 

Turns out that was a great plan because the movie we were going to go pay for and see Tuesday night...we got invited to go to for FREE on Wednesday! haha. And we got free popcorn and soda with it too! Score. One of Dad's guests rented a theater and invited us to come and so we saw the movie Sound of Freedom. It was about child trafficking and was kind of eye-opening. Overall it made me want to be more aware of my little people and I guess myself too...cause there are women who can get caught up in this too. It was kind of crazy how easily they can take a child.  

We also went to Chili's for dinner with B&L and GPA. I love their chips and queso. So of course I ate too much! 

Thursday and Friday Thad was gone so I only had one boss. Pretty chill week - working on the remodel still - taking down bulletin boards and preparing pictures to put back up. The court is still struggling to get going and so I tried to pick up some slack there too. Basically, the week went quickly as I had a long list of things to do and worked through it. 

Thursday during the day I slipped away for a little bit and met some of the 8th ward ladies for their monthly luncheon at Riggattis. (They go to different restaurants as a group each month and they have been inviting me).  There was a big turnout so I ended up at an overflow table with Sister Clark and Sister Pearson. We had a nice visit. Riceann is doing basic training and getting ready to start the air force academy. She's really achieving a lot at a young age. She got her pilot's license last summer. 

Thursday evening Holly came over and spent the evening with us. She does that about once a week lately. Just her. Seems like she likes us more than she did when she lived here. She seems pretty happy these days -- getting ready for her wedding and doing her managing over at Daylight Donuts. Her schedule is upside down but she seems ok with it. 

Friday we went to Teriyaki Madness with GPA and Holly tagged along too. We are still kinda tired from our road trip so had a mellow weekend! yeah!

Saturday we played pickleball at Shane's house (he got his own private court!!!) with Milt (Beth, Shane's wife has an injury right now and can't play).  It was lots of fun and so nice to have our own court with no waiting and no one waiting for us to go!

Julene came over. She told me Richard got prostate cancer (his dad and gpa died young from it so this is kind of a big deal!)  They removed a tumor that was larger than expected and he is still in the recovery stage where you are waiting to heal and feeling crappy. Poor guy. He doesn't know if more treatment will be needed yet. They are waiting for some more blood tests to find out. 

GPA and Holly and Erik came for dinner Saturday and Dad smoked a turkey tenderloin. I did lots of yard work and Saturday chores -- and it is SO hot! So So hot. I was dripping wet in sweat and I did a lot of the work late in the evening. 

Today was pretty chill...5th Sunday combined class and dinner at Diane's house. Aj came too. Elliot and Paul came to visit him this weekend. That was good for him. 

I'm getting a late send on my letter today -- Sorry!!! I hope you didn't think I died again!!! 😂

Our lesson today in church was a compilation of questions kids had submitted. They split us into three groups and then had the kids answer the questions. (Which is good cause our bishop doesn't really like to give talks! haha)

The questions were things do I know the church is true? How do I know I'm feeling the spirit? If I only use my temple recommend 2X per year, is that a waste?   We kind of guided the kids to answers using LDS tools and the FSY handbook and stuff. They brought donuts and popsicles for the kids too so they enjoyed that. Interesting fact...seemed like people either like popsicles OR donuts. 

It was a fun way to tackle a 5th Sunday and the kids were surprisingly reverent. Our group is still huge and we probably had about 40 people. We even had 3 exchange students from Japan visit. So that was fun. 

Fun Fact...Friday, August 4 is Chocolate Chip Cookie Day - I expect you will honor it properly and make and share a batch with any who would like to celebrate with you!

Love you lots! mom


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