On April 9 I was set apart as the 9th Ward RS President.
am excited and humbled and overwhelmed and anxious and everything all
in one! I got called 2 weeks ago (March 26) and was actually not bothered at all
by the call...very peaceful calm feeling. I had a feeling there was a
change coming in my life. I had thoughts like...you should really enjoy
playing pickleball...you may not be able to play as often.
had been reading a book on how prayers change our lives. One of the
points in the book said to pray for what the Lord wants you to do, not
what you want to do...you know? So I was praying to Heavenly Father
telling him I wanted to be more in tune with him and listen and follow
his promptings. I prayed that I would serve him however he would like.
that week I had several promptings -- to call my sister for example, or
to talk to someone. I tried to listen and obey (the first time).
bishopric invited themselves over for a visit. Said they'd never come
to our home since we were a ward...silly me thought that was super sweet
and nice of them. I had NO idea what they were REALLY up to!!!
they'd been over about 15 minutes Bishop leaned over to the kids and
invited them to go upstairs for a few minutes. Uh oh...
then went on to say that he had been praying for some time for a new
Relief Society President and had prayed about several names and just
wasn't feeling right about any of them. He went to the temple with a
different name and again it didn't feel right. He came home from the
temple and was looking at his calling board and my name was on it and it
was like my name was in bold letters. It jumped off the board to him.
And he prayed about it and felt that it was right.
So as
they were asking me a name came into my head for a counselor. Shortly
after another came to mind and they both felt right immediately. I
turned in the names Tuesday morning (Bishop was very surprised how
quickly I had names) and by Wednesday night we'd all been called.
Friday evening the outgoing President had me over and told me all my
responsibilities for about 2.5 hours. Talk about overwhelmed!!! I had
some anxiety for a few days after that not to mention sleepless nights.
watched conference and really enjoyed listening to the talks. I felt
like listening to the Holy Ghost was stressed over and over again. And
doing the basics daily reading scriptures, praying.
On Tuesday the Bishop came over and talked to me for about an hour and I again felt calm and peaceful and ok about things.
Needless to say I have a lot to think about and do.
some repenting to do...Visiting Teaching is like my worst thing.
Seriously...I have struggled to get out and visit my three sisters and
have missed a few months. My walking friend told me this was my
punishment for not doing my visiting teaching good (haha!!!) because now
I'm expected to visit weekly and I'm responsible for the whole ward,
not just three sisters!!! I must say I am much more enlightened to the
importance of visiting teaching now and I'm sure I'll be even more so as
I learn and grow in this job! (So Suzanne - do your visiting teaching
and be happy!! It really helps your RS President have an easier job!!!)
Monday after conference (before the Bishop came) I was notified that we
had a funeral and a surprise surgery - so before I was even in I got to
learn and help with a funeral!
So I go from calm to anxious but mostly trying to remain calm, delegate, take things one day, one step, one piece at a time.
The Church is true, so what else matters?!
Pray for me, I'm going to need it!!!!
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