After a long travel day we wanted to have a quiet Saturday. The boys were working and couldn't join us until late afternoon anyway so we hung out at the Condo and played games, read books, and relaxed. We brought some painting supplies and Holly got out our skillsuccess.com class and watched a lady teach her how to paint a monkey. He came out super cute!!! We also had some fancy coloring books and colored some intricate designs.
We were able to go down to the pool for awhile and have the pool to ourselves for an hour too!!!

AJ got to Park City first with a bag of tacos from one of his favorite taco places. (He once ate 20?! of those tacos at once!!!) We each had 1 or 2 and were good this time around! They were really good and it was fun to try them.

Once the newlyweds arrived (Bryce & Marlee) arrived we went to the Galaxy Bowl and had 90 minutes of bowling with a pizza. We played from youngest to oldest and that was pretty much the way the scores ended up at the end of game one. Andy's back has been naughty lately so he watched while we played which allowed me to barely break 100 and win (might be first time I ever won at bowling!!!) Second game we didn't have time to complete but Bryce pulled out and was ahead when the system went down!
Bryce says they played a lot while on his mission and he had improved quite a bit and had quite a few strikes.

We played a game called telestrations that Marlee brought -- it was fun -- you get a erasable flip board and marker. The whole group draws a card and draws the item listed on the # the dice show. Then they flip the board and draw that picture and pass. The next person tries to guess what they drew and write a word and pass. And then draw a picture and pass. etc. Until everyone in the room has had a shot at every flipboard in the room. It makes for some pretty funny pictures and guesses.
When it was time for bed Holly had to sleep on the air mattress (put in a BIG closet); Marlee and Bryce got the queen bed and Katie got the twin. AJ headed home for a date and to go to his own church on Sunday morning.
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