Sunday started early with everyone dressed and out the door by 7:30 a.m. to head to the tab choir. Bryce and Marlee had to drive separately due to room in the car. We got down to Salt Lake City in good time (there's not much traffic early Sunday morning!) and then found a ton of traffic once we arrived close to the conference center. We ended up being in a line of traffic for several blocks prior to entering the parking garage and then had to go up several floor until we finally found parking. It was just a few minutes before 9 a.m. when we finally got upstairs to enter the conference center.

We sat in the 2nd section (in the past we've been able to get up to the front) and texted Eldon who came down and said Hi for just a second because it was close to show time he had to get busy!
It was the special fourth of July message with all patriotic songs and it was really good. The organ played a cool solo and there was a piccolo that had a fun part.
The message delivered by Lloyd D. Newell was called "A team of individual citizens." It was about how individually we may be defeated but collectively as a team we can often win. He talked about how we as a nation are on a team and we must work together to succeed. He ended by saying we win best when we win together, as a team.

After conference Bryce and Marlee walked around a little on temple square and we came home and made a nice brunch - Holly made pancakes, I made smoky cheese eggs (mmmmmm, thank you Andy for smoking the cheese!!!!), and we baked some bacon. B&M got home exactly when it was all ready and we had a fun brunch together.
We had quiet time for awhile and the kids went up and watched a movie together in the loft and then came down and played some games.
At 5 p.m. Ben and Laura Squires joined us for dinner -- we made BBQ pork in the crockpot and had corn on the cob, cheesy potatoes and beans. B&L brought watermelon, rolls and dunford donuts to share. It was a great meal!!! With great company! After dinner we all played apples to apples for a couple of rounds.
AJ stayed over which kicked Katie into the closet with Holly on the air mattress (she wasn't completely happy about that!!!) but she was a good sport and all the kids were up in the loft together!
We sat in the 2nd section (in the past we've been able to get up to the front) and texted Eldon who came down and said Hi for just a second because it was close to show time he had to get busy!
It was the special fourth of July message with all patriotic songs and it was really good. The organ played a cool solo and there was a piccolo that had a fun part.
After conference Bryce and Marlee walked around a little on temple square and we came home and made a nice brunch - Holly made pancakes, I made smoky cheese eggs (mmmmmm, thank you Andy for smoking the cheese!!!!), and we baked some bacon. B&M got home exactly when it was all ready and we had a fun brunch together.
We had quiet time for awhile and the kids went up and watched a movie together in the loft and then came down and played some games.
AJ stayed over which kicked Katie into the closet with Holly on the air mattress (she wasn't completely happy about that!!!) but she was a good sport and all the kids were up in the loft together!
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