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07/21/17 Mi Doctor Hospital - I left my stomach in Tijuana

Hospital Mi Doctor, Mexico
Hola everyone from Tijuana Mexico. After a pretty sleepless night we are surviving here the weather is beautiful it's like 75 or I think I'm up to about 80 today and as we are right by the ocean and everything so it's nice.

 So this is Dad and I've been pretty sore most the night mom was able to sleep in my bed with me for an hour or two and then she had to she couldn't take it anymore and she went and got in her own bed. Today's been mostly sitting around and waiting. they're going to do what they call a leak test where they'll see if they will make sure that they didn't have any leaks with my stomach operation and then tonight they're going to take out my drainage  Port. The fun part so far today was that they gave me medicine at like midnight and then they came in at 5 AM and gave me medicine again so even when I am actually slept pretty good from 2 to 5 but that was kind of a rude awakening when he came in and said all good morning and mom and I both thought it was like seven or something but it was five-ish. 

I have been walking around a little bit with mom on my arm and unfortunately it's not real big here so I'm just kind of doing a lap around the halls couple times and that's about all I can do, but at least I can move. It's been kind a like camping because we brought so little stuff - had to kind of keep everything and try to keep them clean and tactually got to take off the silly hospital gown and I'm actually in my gym shorts and a T-shirt now so I'm not all the way dressed, but I'm feeling a lot better about things. 

Pretty much everyone with A lighter me speaks really good English, but the nurses here at the hospital do not speak very good English at all so it's been kind of interesting and fun trying to communicate with some of them. Last night we set up and played some card games and that was really fun - mom let me win a couple times. I'm sure she had to of let me because you know how she is with cards.
Getting ready to go to surgery

Compression socks and slippers

The slab I slept on while Andy recovered.
Notice the iPad size TV on the wall.

ID on the arm

ID on the wall

View from our room

View from our room

View from our room for two days

Ice Cream!!!!

3 p.m. Daily, Ice Cream man honks $1.25 a cup

 I guess so our schedule today is lots of sitting and waiting so at some point soon they're going to do a leak test,  once they do a leak test and it shows that I don't leak then I can start having at least my liquid diet because I haven't actually had in any food, not even the clear liquids - only had ice chips since Wednesday night so any kind of something with flavor would be really great right about now. And then we stay here again tonight hopefully will get a little more sleep and then tomorrow they take out my IV and then they will take us back to the motel hotel where I'll  be able to have like broth and juice and even they have sugar-free popsicles that are not too bad.

Vitals every two hours
As you know your mom has been such a sweetheart and she always is taken care of me and looking after me and making sure everything's OK - she's so awesome!

 So on Saturday when we're out of the hospice taI, think is that the day that we do a tour? They basically are going to show us around here a little bit and take us to like some of the markets and some of the landmarks - all of us who have recently had surgeries in the last couple days and then will head back to the hotel and I'm sure mom's gonna want to get some swim time in because he loves that and I'll probably be able to dangle my feet in the water or something.

Breathing treatments help to strengthen lungs and
get the gas out of the belly
 We're still looking for a church on Sunday. We had heard there's one not too far away but it's only Spanish-speaking so we would go and not understand a word but we might be able to make it to that depending on how I'm feeling and then we get through Sunday night and will be on our way home on Monday so that's exciting .

 We haven't broken any more elevators so far. I have this little blue thing that I have to blow into all the time to try to keep my lung strength up and by the way our Wi-Fi has been absolutely horrible here at the hospital. When we get back to the hotel I think it will be a lot better and will be able to maybe Skype call or send you some kind a call that way because it is been really bad here. I mean half the time Facebook and emails dont even work at all .

 One of the weird things and pains I'm experiencing is my chest and stomach, but also the back of my shoulder back by the scapula/clavicle or whatever bone in his back there's been really painful and I asked the doctor about it this morning and he said oh that's from the gas and I'm like you must not be understanding English my shoulder hurts and he's like yeah I know you get that from gas and that's why you do the breathing thing in and walk around because that will make all the gas leave your body, but I've never had the back of my shoulder hurt because of gas - that's a new one on me. 

Our Communication aid
I have to admit I expected Tijuana to be a big old slum, scummy and with drugs and whatever everywhere, but it's been decent, the hotel is right up in kind of a ritzy neighborhood and there's a golf course on it and some big houses up the hill and we're really close to the ocean, like within a mile or two of the ocean so it's actually been really pleasant and nice and of course the weather here is fantastic.

 I'll try and keep you posted on everything that's going on. I think that tomorrow when we're back in the hotel things will be a little easier to communicate. 

Our communication was sketchy
We love you guys so much and thank you for supporting us as we get through this and we will probably email tomorrow, but will see you on Monday night love you!!!

PS I dictated most of this instead of trying to type at all and so there's probably a few silly little errors but ...
Breakfast, lunch, chips...yum?!

Drain bag stayed in for awhile

Hanging out in the hospital


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