Eating in authentic Mexican Restaurant
I got chicken tacos, Andy had tomato potato cheese broth |
OK so I'm writing this email for a couple reasons: number one we haven't been able to talk to you all at the same time, and number two mom wants me to kind of record a journal of what's been going on with my operation and everything so that she can put it in our book of remembrance or whatever blog I don't know.
Like 7-11 in Mexico xoxo are all over |
Want to get one of these for AJ!!! |

Touring the city |
So after he was done he started handing out everybody's room keys, which was great for everyone except us because our room wasn't ready so we got to sit through another I would say half hour to an hour waiting for them to get her room clean and ready. So anyway am we finally got our room but we were there so long the next group is actually in there but anyway can I get a room directly end up being the same room that we had a few nights earlier but I've been we stayed for the first night so I was kind of nice because at least we were in familiar territory.
Painted donkey is very popular there |
Want to go to room we were told that we have to be back at 11 AM for a meeting and then they were gonna take us on a tour no normally the tour is the second day after you're back into the hotel but because they don't do tours on Sundays we had to go the first day after we were back in the hotel so we got pretty much told we were going on the tour or there wouldn't be one. So we are piled into their little bus and they started driving us around Tijuana and that one of the first places we start with the pharmacy or pharmacy and there was this dude a Mexican guy who owned the pharmacy with a microphone on his head like those guys that do those infomercials or demonstrations. and he basically proceeded to tell us about all the things that we needed to buy from his pharmacy that would make it so life would be good for us after we get back home the whole thing really sound like a big scam to me and I'm sure there was some kickbacks and I'll kind of figured being done for each other and I did not have a good feeling about that place at all.
Dani and her companion modeling their treasures:
masks! |
One of the things that was kind of funny but also kind of gross about the pharmacy was the pharmacist was offering free B 12 shots to everyone well that shot goes in your butt not your arm. So he asked for a volunteer to get a shot and I want to do like all do it and then when he told it was in the butt like I'm not doing that for nobody else saw another lady stepped up and now we're talking about some big ladies here. So right in the middle of the room the lady pulled down her pants and expose her right butt cheek and the guy stabbed her right in the butt with a B 12 shot didn't even put a Band-Aid on or anything and they proceeded to do that with anybody that wanted one I declined thank you, and so we saw actually so we saw a lot of naked butts on Saturday none of which were really very pleasing to look at if you know what I'm saying. One poor lady got got poked in the butt and because they didn't put any Band-Aids and she bled through her white pants well her underwear her white pants and her green and white blouse and had a nasty bloodstain on about the whole rest of their remember this was our first stop. Some of the other places we went to were in authentic Mexican restaurant where they serve me some soup that made my tummy sick and gave mom some pretty yummy looking chicken tacos and stuff and we went to a couple souvenir shop they told us we can only go to these two that all the rest were too far away and would take too long then of course they were probably kickbacks and commissions and things being made there as well.
A portion of our group from the tour |
Daryl & Linda Jacks; Angie -- Louisiana friends |
So anyway we figured out how the drivers were lining their pockets in there different with fevers that they were receiving probably family members or something all the shops that we took him to win we didn't spend much we bought a few souvenirs that we bought in the zero at the pharmacy and we just bought a little bit of food like less than $10 at the Mexican restaurant oh and two bucks for the ice cream guy that was kind of a funny story: they took what are the first places they took us to was this ice cream vendor guy with a bicycle pushcart thing and he had like 10 gallon buckets of homemade ice cream and the driver got up and said Dr. Ortiz has told us that it's OK for you to eat his ice cream as long as you warm it in your mouth first and so all the fat people who hadn't eaten for days and days and days jumped out of the van and went and got themselves a big cup of ice cream and I bought one but I bought it for mom and only had like two bites . So by the end of our tour is it got to be later in the afternoon quite a few of our am overweight friends did not make it to the end of the tour and I'm convinced it had a lot to do with the ice cream in a little bit to do with that soup that they gave us that was supposed to be clear broth but it was not clear broth and I swore that off after Sunday after Saturday. After about a five hour tour we were pretty exhausted and we came back to the hotel and I was pretty much done for and ready to just chill. So we didn't do much but we found out when we got to our room that there is a huge Mexi party going on in the pool that is just two stories below us that we could see in here and I mean really hear it was really really loud it was like we were in the party. So that went on until 1030 fortunately mom and I found something to keep her mind off of the very loud music and didn't mind it so much is festive the fact that they finally turned it off and we were able to then go to sleep.
Giant Flag over Tijuana |
So we went to bed and I slept OK much better without an IV and that's for dang sure, and we got up Sunday morning and it was the kind of day where I kind a like are we really didn't have anything planned we didn't have to go anywhere or do anything we just got to kind of lay around and enjoy ourselves here at the hotel. Because it was Sunday we couldn't really go swimming or shopping or anything like that so we went on a few walks . I worked on making my stomach feel better by eating a little bit more the time I had actually had at like almost a whole bowl of soup and we really didn't do a whole lot we were able to watch the tab choir Father's Day special and just kind a relax and enjoy each other's company. There was another much quieter party going on at the pool below us but we just kind a watch that from a far and didn't participate we did go outside in the sunshine and sit and enjoy that and just really didn't do a whole lot which was really nice actually as I was trying to recover . We even took a nap in the middle of the afternoon on Sunday which was very very nice.
As evening came around we worked on getting some food in me not much that's for sure just broth and Popsicles and stuff like that mom got some dinner and we were able to talk to you kids through Skype and or FaceTime I guess it is technically and then we went on another walk and got some dinner and just chilled out we were able to talk to a few people that are in the program and most of them are going home tomorrow just like that just like us so that's good.
Sample menu for the next 7 days
About 300 calories a day |
Now it's almost bedtime and we're just relaxing and looking forward to going home it kind of feels like we've been away a long long time and I'm really looking forward to sleeping in my own bed and being in my own house and everything. I have to be honest I gave to Tijuana to bad rap before I ever even had been here. I thought it was hot and dusty in crime ridden and disgusting and to be honest , it's been cool and kind of pleasant and I haven't seen any crime of any kind although I'm sure it's out there and it's kind of pretty were in a nicer part of town so I guess that's why and I don't know it just hasn't been too bad here .
Pharmacy info |
We are so looking forward to going home. We saw some things that are unforgettable like the silver guy with the frying pan on his head in the black and white paint a donkey and the really really pushy vendors and little kids that were selling things for a dollar that climbed up into our bus and we're trying to make up my stuff and everything but will certainly be glad to go home even though it's 110° at home and only 75 here. We're told tomorrow could be kind of brutal getting across the border because there's it's Monday and it's really busy and we're gonna have like 10 of us on our little bus and they have to check all her things and make us walk across while they look at our back x-ray her bags and things and we're leaving at 10 our flights not till 330 in the afternoon so we're leaving 5 1/2 hours early but considering where we're going that we're headed home we're actually pretty happy about the whole deal as long as we can fit all her stuff and her two little backpacks. We made a few friends along the way but I'll be honest probably not gonna socialize much of these people ever again. We all root for each other and there were some really really big people that that needed help but probably more than me and there were a few people in our group that really didn't maybe need any help that they were fine but whatever they're here and they had it done and they're going through exactly what I'm going through.
Modeling new Tijuana Harley shirt |
The key now as I have to stick to a clear liquid diet for another three days and then I get kind of what I want to call it cloudy liquid diet with protein shakes and stuff and then puréed and then a month out I finally get to start eating some actual food so if I can adhere to my diet I think that it's all gonna be really cool.

I'm gonna wrap this up just a reminder that I dictated this so there's all kinds of typos and messes and run on sentences but I don't really care at this point I'll let mom sort it all out for her blog.
I love you kids I appreciate you supporting me in this and hopefully it'll mean that I'm around a lot longer to be your daddy and your granddaddy to all your kids when you have them so thanks for loving me and hopefully we get to see you all really soon.
Love, ur big but shrinking daddy
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