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07/03/17 Day Four - Park City - Mirror Lake

Early Monday we ran over to the outlet mall and found Bryce some shoes for his birthday.  Everyone else found some too.

We had a house full of everyone (except Dallas and McK who had to work and couldn't make it up to PC this year sadly), and it was the only day that would be the case so we piled into the 300s (Aj's and ours) and headed up to Mirror Lake.

The drive up there is about an hour or so and is beautiful.  The temperature dropped quite a bit as we climbed the mountain.  When we got to mirror lake (over 10,000 ft) it was actually almost chilly and breezy.  Much windier than past visits.  Also WAY crowded.  The parking lot was full and overflowing!!!

We were able to find a spot and drag our lunch over to a picnic table and have sandwiches and chips and cookies by the lake.  Then we walked around the lake to "our spot" where we waded in to the FREEZING water and played for a little while.  There is something so peaceful and calming about being in the beautiful lake in the mountains.

After playing we headed down the hill and right to the swimming pool (already wet and dressed for it, right?!)

AJ had to go home for a date and work but the rest of us played and had fun.  Marlee and Bryce went over to the outlet mall and bought Marlee a pair of sneakers. For dinner we got pizza hut stuffed crust pizzas. After dinner we played a game Marlee had recently gotten about puns...Puns aren't my thing and I was terrible at it but the others had fun and made some silly puns.

Bryce had to work 8a - 4p on 4th so they headed home to sleep in their own beds.


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