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11/08/15 Grandma Griffin turns 77 and TOFW

The temperature has come down a little bit -  there is a little cool in the air in the morning and evenings that we've missed out on all summer long.  The sun still shines most days but we can wear a sweatshirt now and be comfy outside. 

We've had a good week staying busy with everyone's activities and such. 

Dad's been staying busy recording video shows that they push out on the internet.  Like TV only you stream it whenever you want.  He puts out a new show 2X every week and has to go into the TV station to record them.  He even gets to wear powder on his nose some weeks!  (He likes to tease that he has more makeup then I do on Monday/Thursday nights after he records his show). 

The soccer fields at sullivan park are completed and WOW is it an impressive deal.  There are 3 soccer fields, 6 pickleball courts, concession stand, stands to sit in for all fields, picnic tables, pavillion, splash pad and playground equipment.  The open house was Monday night and we were going to go but the one thing they didn't plan well for was traffic.  Oh boy.  What a scary mess.  Luckily for us we realized BEFORE we turned into it and waited and went much later after the masses left. 
Soccer Fields at Sullivan
Pond at Sullivan Park
Pickleball courts at Sullivan park,Washington Utah
We enjoyed pizza at the Brickoven Monday night and then went back about 8:30 to the park. 

Tuesday I had a rare court night off due to elections.  Worked out perfectly because it was Grandma Griffin's 77th birthday.  We went to Paula's (all the adult siblings and spouses, except not Eldon and Diane) and had a nice dinner together. Afterward we went to Gma&pa's house and had cake and ice cream which of course was delicious.  All the kids were invited to that. Had a pretty good house full.  Dallas & McK, our girls, the jared squires family, most of dickie's kids.  Gma opened some presents and had a nice evening. 

Wednesday the girls did the usual volleyball & Young women thing.  Katie went to the family history center and learned how to do stuff and came home with a short stack of names (which she took to the temple Friday night with McK -- they had a sisters night out)

Thursday we had volleyball and Katie got inducted into the Junior National Honor Society.  They sent a request a couple days later for her to be the treasurer.  Not sure if she will say yes or not.  She wants to know more what that entails. 
8th & 9th Grade NJHS @ PVMS

Katie with her certificate at the NJHS induction ceremony

Friday and Saturday I went to Time Out for Women -- basically EFY for ladies.  It was really good.  We listed to about 8 hours worth of speakers trying to help us want to be happy and enjoy live more and live the gospel more fully.  It was really good.  I went with Julene Shelley and we had fun together.  

Julene Shelley & Shelly
(Team Shelley & Shelly!)
at Time out for women conference in St.George Utah

The kids and dad did the usual weekend stuff -- with football games and volleyball games etc.  Desert Hills got beat by Snow Canyon on the last play of the game and Dixie beat Pine View.  So they get to go to SLC next weekend (dad too) and play at UofU I think. 

Some thoughts from TOFW (time out for women) conference: 

My favorite speaker was Hank Smith (he is from St. George and went to Pine View and Snow Canyon during his hs years). 

He talked about happiness and said 10 things happy people do: 

1. Surround themselves with happy people
2. When sad, they cheer themselves up
3. Spend money on other people
4. Have deep conversations with others
5. laugh...alot
6. use music to make themselves happy
7. exercise and eat healthy
8. unplug and go outside every day (at least 20 minutes)
9. get enough sleep 
10. meditate

He said meditation is the #1 thing happy people reported doing. 

Image result for happy face
Be Happy!

And then he said if you are not's you.  You are the problem. We all need to figure out what makes us happy and do what it takes to be happy. 

So that about wraps up the week.  It was a good week and I feel uplifted by the many talks and music I listened to this weekend. 

Write lots and take more pictures!!!!! xoxo mom


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