I learned of faith in paying tithing many years ago.
When I was young paying tithing was not difficult. I came from a rather affluent family and I didn't really have a ton of "income". Most of my needs and wants were provided by my family.
When I got married my financial situation changed drastically. My father was very adamant that I was now on my own as a married woman and he stopped all financial support. (He had paid for my room and board and tuition and books and extras at BYU 100%).
Andy and I worked but we were working jobs that didn't pay much. Housing, tuition, books, food and transportation were expensive.
I really stressed about money and I just didn't see how we could make it. We lived very cheaply and had few "frills". At some point I stopped paying a full tithe because I felt we could not afford it.
I don't remember how long this went on but the longer I didn't pay the harder it was to pay it. At some point I decided it was important to pay tithing and tried again.
Things got much easier for us. We would find amazing deals while shopping. We would receive hand me downs far exceeding our needs and spilling over into our wants. We would receive left-overs of food from parties. We received unexpected gifts of money. We received a raise at work or found odd jobs to fill a time slot we could handle.
As the years have gone by I have never questioned tithing again. We have paid faithfully ever since. I know without a doubt the Lord has blessed us over and over again. I no longer stress over money. I pay my tithing and all my obligations and give very little thought to where the money will come from. (This is not to say I am out spending wildly -- I just have learned what our budget is and we live within it and things are great).
The windows of heaven open up all the time and pour blessings upon us.
I know I probably don't even recognize all the blessings given to me but I am very aware that I am blessed and so thankful for the principle of tithing in my life.
Malachi 3:10
Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there be meat in my house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heave, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.
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