We had some nice quiet quality family time. We played pickle ball
and some table games. There was a ping pong tournament at Aunt Laura's
Aj and one of his buddies Paul came and spent Wednesday through today.
Holly story. So Holly and Katie got Kindle fires at the beginning of
the school year. Sometime in the last 6 weeks Holly lost hers and I
guess was afraid to tell us so she waited several weeks to mention it.
So now it's just gone and she has no idea when the last time she saw it
was or anything.
So Dad's like maybe we
should take away candy because she really likes candy. Then she'll find
it (or tell us where she lost it that she's afraid to tell us!)
And Holly's like, no. I know, you can take away my tablet time!
Paul, the girls and the Riley twins and I went for a hike up the
mountain that over looks quail lake yesterday.It wasn't a bad hike (very
uphill but not too terrible) and the view was really awesome. It was only just about an hour or so hike. It was a nice little getaway.
When you open your box there is a # on each bag. On that day of the month you open your bag. There is a small gift, a note and a scripture for each day of December for 21 days. Nothing too exciting but I wanted you to know we were thinking of you and have a lil something each day.
Hope your Thanksgiving was fun and you got some yummy food! Can't wait to hear about your week and see your pictures! I loved your little quote, ask and ye shall receive mama. Ask and e shall receive. Does that mean I have to keep asking?! Cause I loved my pictures!!!!
We got the tree up and decorated last night so I guess we are ready for December. Sigh. I hate it that all the stores are so busy and everything is so commercial. Oh well.
I went for a walk this morning and I think the temp is about 30 degrees. I wore a sweatshirt and gloves but I feel like I froze through and through and I'm still shivering and can hardly type. So I'm gonna sign off and go boil myself in the tub to get the chill out!
quote for the week:
…And why of all the attitudes you can acquire, it’s the attitude of gratitude that can be the most important and life-changing.
Take time to reflect on all you have to be thankful for daily and it helps to diminish the things that aren't making you happy!
love you lots!!!! Gobble gobble. Mom
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