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11/22/15 Performing, BYU and winning the championship in volleyball

Lauren Riley, Miranda, Holly, McKenzie Riley
singing If I listen with my heart for Stake Primary
Leadership meeting
I can't believe how quickly the month has flown by!  Seems like it shouldn't be Thanksgiving yet but it's this week.  Do you have lots of dinners planned for Thursday?! 

Holly did a great job of singing for the primary meeting.  Her and Miranda and the Riley girls sang and I accompanied and we all did just fine.  It was in the RS room and it was pretty packed.  They had a pretty good turnout. 

At the same time the YM/YW were having a stake meeting with the bishops so Katie got to listen to question and answers.  The girls went in the hallway and listened to the meeting too.  Both our meetings ended about 6 and then we went to Gma's for dinner.

Wednesday night was the evening of excellence so Katie and I went over and had dinner (soup and rolls) and they had a nice meeting. Bishop spoke.  Each of the girls got up for 1 - 2 minutes and talked about what they have been working on for personal progress and they each had tables with displays on them showing some of their work.  We have some pretty talented artists in our ward.  

Thursday was relief society.  The girls were invited although when they arrived they snatched them up to the nursery so I didn't see them all evening. I think they enjoyed it though.  They like to play with the kids.  

Ryan Hoppie, Andy Griffin, AJ Griffin, Robert Hoppie
at BYU vs. Fresno game (BYU won 52-10) in Provo
I'm playing organ for sacrament meeting this week and next so Dawn Wright spent a little time giving me some hints and how to's. I've played before but it's been a really long time.  I'm trying not to be nervous about it. 

Dad went up to Salt Lake City for the Dixie vs Logan championship game.  Logan won.  Dad got to watch all the 3A, 4A, 5A games and eat at some yummy restaurants and then go to BYU game so I'm pretty sure he had a great weekend with Aj and Robert Hoppie and his son Ryan.  

For girls scouts this week we were working on a special agent badge.  We had an officer come over (Mike Sittre, WCPD) and he showed the girls some things on the computer, talked about fingerprinting and showed them how to lift a print off a cup.  He talked about his job and some of the things he does.  The girls enjoyed it.  They were very focused and interested in what he was saying. 

Marlee came and spent Friday night with us.  I took the girls to McD's for dinner and then we shopped at walmart for awhile.  Afterward we came home and watched a movie and worked on a project together.  Our movie ended about 10:30 so we kind of had a late night. It was fun. 

Saturday the girls played volleyball and won the WCCC 6-8th grade volleyball championship.  They got trophies and treats and it was pretty cool.  That's the first team I ever coached that won it all the I remember.  (Katie says one of our teams that I was coach on won a couple of years back but I don't recall that!)  It really didn't have anything to do with the coaching anyway -- I was just in charge of a really talented group of girls.  

We went to DI and then stopped and visited Gma and Gpa for a little while and then the girls played outside and I worked on my project and house work and stuff.  

It's been a good week and it's nice to think that we have some down time coming up this week.  I hope we can watch movies and play games and just chill out and have fun this weekend!

With Thanksgiving coming I thought it would be appropriate to include a couple of thankful quotes: 

The happiest people don't have the best of everything they make the best of everything they have.

Legends Volleyball team with trophies after winning
6-8th grade WCCC tournament
Mrs. Barney, Holly, Rebekah Hughes, Eliza Smith, Hailey Fisher
Katie Griffin, Shelly Griffin
bottom: Hannah Barney & Madeline Wright 
Don't think of the things you didn't get after praying think of the countless blessings God gave you without you asking.

This week I spent some time thinking about all the things I am thankful for and writing them down on a list.  I easily filled a whole page without trying.  It is kind of cool to take the time to think of all you have to be grateful for and focus on that.  I encourage you to take a page in your journal or notebook or whatever and start keeping track of all you love and appreciate. It's a good thing to keep on-going in life too.  After awhile you even start realizing more and more that is great and wonderful in your life. 

I am thankful for my wonderful family and all that I have received in my life.  I have been blessed with a wonderful husband who loves me and loves us and honors his priesthood and works hard and is so complimentary of us and helps us want to try to do more and be better people. (Not to mention the Thursday night BBQ bonus! Yummy)  I have been blessed with amazing children who are turning into wonderful adults.  I am so proud of each of you.  I am so thankful that you all have developed your talents and love the savior and are trying to do right every day.  

There is a couple of quotes that I believe fully.  David O McKay said: No other success can compensate for failure in the home.  and Richard G. Scott said It takes time, great effort, and significant sacrifice to "train up a child in the way he should go."  But where can you find greater rewards for a job well done?

I just want you to know that I feel truly blessed to have wonderful children and I hope that you will continue to accept life's challenges and strive to do your best each day.  

Love you!!!
Happy Thanksgiving!


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