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11/15/15 Veteran's Day and Football Semi-finals week

Holly, Marlee and Katie 
It is so strange that it is already mid November.  It is like we went from August to November in the blink of an eye.  (Could be that the weather stayed 100 so long?!)  

It has started to cool down a little now and feels like fall is coming and's Thanksgiving time!  I think we are going to Santa Clara City Hall again although I haven't heard times or assignments or who's coming or anything. You will probably have 4 turkey dinners that day, huh?! You'll have to let us know if you find any amazing food or games or traditions that other people do.  

Last week Marlee came over on Monday for dinner along with Dallas and McKayla.  Marlee had straightened her hair and it was really long and pretty!  She said it takes FOREVER so she doesn't like to do it that way.  We had a nice visit and hung out after dinner for a little while.  

Tuesday was a long day since we had off court last week for elections.  I also have a new girl so I had to teach her how to do things and have lots of customers.  That's the best way to learn -- just throw 'em in the fire!  It worked out fine but we were super busy. 

The girls are wrapping up their volleyball season in church and WCCC.  Last week was the last game for church and next Saturday is the last of WCCC.  They are on a great team this year and have won most of their games and enjoyed it.  It's always more fun when you win, right?!  

Katie, Anna & McKinley scrubbing up!
Wednesday was Veteran's day so Katie played at the parade and I had the day off.  Dad had to record his show and then we got jimmy john's and took a motorcycle ride out to snow canyon and drove through.  It was such a nice ride. The weather was perfect. (tiny bit chilly but the sun shine made up for it).  We had a picnic in the park and then a short walk and came home. 

Thursday dad headed up to SLC for the semi-final games.  He did Snow Canyon Thursday (they lost) and Dixie Friday (they won) and then came to Cedar City for the 1A Diamond Ranch Academy beat Kanab. He goes up next weekend for the finals...I think it was Dixie vs. Logan at UofU. Cool, eh?!

Katie, Anna Carnavale, McKinley & Holly helping in the kitchen
While he was up there I had use it or lose it vacation time so I had off Thursday and Friday.  I butchered our pumpkins and made about a dozen bags of pumpkin puree for future cooking.  The girls and I also made pumpkin cheesecake cookies, caramel popcorn and bread over the days off.  We had volleyball games and practiced for Holly to sing tonight at the primary adult leadership meeting.  

Friday night we went over to the Wright's house and watched the movie Inside out. It is such a cute movie with a good message.  It's missionary appropriate if you are ever allowed to watch movies.  (I know you aren't but it was SO cute!)  I wouldn't mind watching it again.

Sadness saved the little girl in the end (an emotion many of us want to get rid of and not experience) but it is a necessary part of life and well being. It really makes you think about life and how our emotions play a roll in all that we do and experience. 

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Saturday we had more volleyball (won!!) and then went to Cedar City to pickup dad from SUU.  The campus was beautiful -- the weather was cold but sunny.  It was really pleasant and nice. We were going to eat in Cedar but Dad decided he better hurry and write his story for Des News so we came home and went to DUB's BBQ restaurant after he got his game written up and sent off.  They were yummy and we had a nice evening with the girls. 

Quote of the week:
The reason why people give up so fast is they tend to look at how far they still have to go instead of how far they have gotten. 

Another good quote: 

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Just want you to know that we love you and miss you and hope that you are happy and healthy and well.  You are amazing and we are so proud of all that you have accomplished in your young life.  It was fun being on SUU campus yesterday and knowing that you'll be there soon!  Can't wait to hear about what's happening up there -- so be sure to write lots of details!!! I love it!  Love you lots.  mom.


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