Monday, June 30, 1986

6/30/86 Little mishap at the pool

6/30/86 Monday
Another day has quickly slipped away.  Today we went to get fuel for the car.  Afterwards we stopped at the drug store.  I am feeling much better.

I went to the pool. It is really nice.  It costs 9F to get in.  Not bad.  I think I would do okay if I wasn't so shy.  I really hate that!

I made a funny mistake at the pool.  There are these little baskets where you put your things and they are numbered.  I had 195 but I wrote down how you say 185.  It was kind of amusing.  The attendant was laughing.  The next time I came back he remembered my number!  I suppose he knows me now.  One friend!

I wrote 5 more letters today.  I probably won't send them until I get some post cards then I will send everything at once.  I think I like it here!

Bon Soir!

Oh yea, Tonya called.  She is one of the girls from AFS. We roomed together in New York. She says we are going to get together and visit Versailles.  I'm really excited.  I'm glad she called because it helps to know you aren't the ONLY one out here who speaks Engligh! (And screws up French!!!)

Writing really helps me think and it makes me feel like I've got a friend who understands everything I say.  It's cool!

Sunday, June 29, 1986

06/29/1986 Allergies and missing home

I don't  where the days go. Today, once again I stayed home all day.  A friend of hers, Steven, came over.  He is working on becoming a lawyer.  We talked for 1 or 2 hours.  He was very nice.  The most normal of her friends yet.  He is 23.

Also Gerome's mom came over and I listened to them talk for almost an hour.  I really like her even though I don't understand a word she says.

Sometimes I can pick up most of what is said but I don't have the vocabulary to say anything back.

My allergies are going absolutely nuts because of the animals and the smoke.  I used almost 1/2 box of tissues.  Colette is concerned but I'm not sure what she wants to do because whatever she says doesn't make sense.

I've been watching TV some and can make out many of the words.  Sometimes I think of things in my head and can translate some of it to French.  The words I don't know I look up. I wrote out a few pages of essential lines and I've been studying them.  Sometimes they come into my head but I'm never sure if I am thinking it right so I don't say it.  Then I look it up again and make sure.  Maybe some day I'll get it.

I feel like I am not really here.  Like I'm just watching everything because I can't participate.

I really miss home. I dream about it all the time.  Sometimes my dreams are so real that when I wake up I think I am leaving.  I keep imagining that it is only 2 weeks, not 2 months.

Last night I dreamed I had to go to jail with all my friends.  I really wanted to because I missed everything so much.  Jail seemed nice!!!  (not that it isn't nice here).  I always look at my picture and wish I could be back home.

I miss not doing something all the time.  Everything is SO laid back here it is unbelievable.  All they do is eat, sleep, watch TV, have friends over and go shopping.

Tomorrow we are going to get some medicine.  I can't wait!

I wish there were some people my age to go out with, someone to talk to.  Gerome is fun but I haven't seen him in a few days.

I guess I like it here but I miss the lack of ACTION!

Saturday, June 28, 1986

06/28/86 Asthma, homesick, raw fish and friends

Saturday, June 28, 1986

I didn't sleep well last night.  My asthma and allergies began acting up.  Probably from the smoke.  The man's name is Decide -- like decided . He says that hash is good because the fire you see while burning your brain cells is exciting.  He is a very strange man.  He makes colleges that explain what he thinks unconsciously.  They tell a story from his head.  I think he is very weird.

Today I am beginning to feel homesick and I am not doing well with French.  They all speak so quickly and I say pardon and they repeat it in English.  It is hard.  There is no one around my age to talk to and I feel very uneasy.  It just might be because I am not feeling well.  It is also very hot.  They have no screens here so there are many bugs everywhere.

 I had raw fish for lunch today.  I had about 3 bites.  Enough to make it look like I ate something.  This is the 3rd meal I haven't eaten.  For dinner last night I had only cucumber and lettuce and for breakfast a small yogurt.  I don't really like the food much.

Tomorrow will be the end of my first week away from home.  I have 9 weeks left.  I sure hope they go quickly.  Also I hope I can pickup some French because right now I'm doing awful.

Today was a real tough day to get through. It did get better though.  After I had raw fish for lunch (gross!) I figured next time they offer it I'd say thanks anyway, but that didn't work.

A few of her friends came over.  They sat around smoking and chatting all afternoon.  I was feeling really blah so I stayed upstairs most of the morning thinking and crying.  It must have helped because I felt well enough to go chat with everybody.  They are definitely different.  When I was staring to have fun they left.  4 kisses, Au Revoir.  And once again we had raw fish for dinner.  I had to eat it because they were all sitting there and I couldn't throw it away.  It was very difficult.

After dinner we played a French card game.  I even understood some of what Decide was saying in French. I suppose it is a beginning.  Once or twice I even answered back in French!

Some day maybe I'll catch on to all of this.  I still can't understand Colette.  When I understand what she is saying I will have accomplished something!

Friday, June 27, 1986

06/27/86 Around town and our first house guest

Friday, June 27, 1986

I had a really nice day today.  We went to the bank and the post office.  I sent my 5 letters.  It cost about 20F.  Then we picked up some real French pasterie -- ooh lala! Tres bien!

After lunch Colette took me to Jerome's house.  She went where ever and Jerome's mom took us to Monge and we went shopping.  She took care of something else and we walked all through the town and he explained everything. It was interesting because he has shaky English and I am awful at French.  It was fun though. We were late getting back but his mom didn't mind.

The town was really neat.  Shops everywhere with a cathedral in the center.  It was a little scary because here people drive on the sidewalks.  So you have to watch out!!!  He took me in the Cathedral and the garden.  It was really pretty. It was cool inside the Cathedral.  We went back to his house and he showed me his stamp collection and army models.  His mom made cake out of berries Charlotte had given her from the tree in our back yard.  It was very good.  I think it helps hanging around him because he helps me with French and I help him with English.

Another different thing I noticed is whenever people meet their friends they give them Hollywood kisses and kiss on each cheek 2X.  Also before anyone leaves.  It is neat.

The dogs seem to like me.  They don't bother me too much.

After dinner at 9 another one of her friends came over.  He is very different.  I guess he is kind of cool.  He was telling me all of these weird things.  He was smoking hash - it is the mild or weak drug, he calls it.  We watched some show - seemed like a porno flick but I guess that is French TV for you.  He translated everything for me. He is into weird abstract ideas.  He takes pictures of naked bodies in weird positions and makes them into weird collages.  He is also a poet and a writer. He's into music but he can't play.  He is staying until who knows when.  He is from Paris.  I can't pronounce his name so I can't write it.  He is 28 but wants to be a teenager.

Thursday, June 26, 1986

06/26/86 Meeting host mom Charlotte

Thursday, June 26, 1986

Another day has gone by and once again I can't figure out where it went.

I met Charlotte, my host mom for the summer.  She is very nice and thank goodness she knows a little English.  I am doing awful with this French stuff.

Charlotte lives 1/2 hour outside of Paris in a beautiful little town in the country.  There is flowers and grass everywhere and miles of countryside.  The town has a few houses all next to one another with lots of trees in between each to separate them.  It is pretty hot but tolerable.

I have a bedroom on the second floor in an attic type area.  There is a little patio by my bed that looks out across the countryside.  I also have my own little sink, no toilet, for washing up. There is a study connecting to my room and I have a little TV.

Downstairs is very extravagant yet simple.  Everything is very old. Antique or something.  There is a cherry tree in the back yard so that is all I've been eating since I got here.  They are delicious.

She is different than most.  She kind of eats whenever and is always talking with her 6 dogs and 3 cats.  She says they are better than kids.  Even though they are always fighting.

After we ate lunch we went to another little town and met a friend of hers and her son 16 year old Jerome.  There were very nice.  We spent the afternoon there. Since no one spoke English and I don't speak French I kind of sat there and listened most of the time.  It was interesting.

I bought a French book but I don't think it is what I needed.  It doesn't have the translations to English.  I am so stupid!

I feel pretty frustrated right now but I'm not doing awful I guess.

Wednesday, June 25, 1986

06/25/86 Orientation and a flasher

Wednesday June 25, 1986

We've had lots of meetings that are supposed to help us when we get out on our own.

We are at CREPS in Reins, about 2 hours from Paris.

The toilets and showers here are weird.  The flusher is on the top of the toilet and the water comes splashing out.  The bathrooms here are always left shut and you can tell if someone is in there by the color of the lock on the door.

It is improper to put your hands under the table.  Everyone always puts their bread on the table, not the plate and you only use butter at breakfast.  Bread is served at every meal.

Oh yea, last night some guy was running through the halls in a towel.  When he got to the window he jumped up and yelled "Bonjour!" and flashed us.  Then he said hello girls, I want to sleep with you this night.  Then he ran away.  It was pretty funny.

I got my host papers today.  I am staying with a 50 year old woman named Charlotte.  She has a big house 1/2 hour from Paris.  She has 2 cars, some cats and dogs.  The pool and tennis courts are 2.5 miles and the train station is even less than that.  She has a big garden.  She enjoys jogging and shopping in Paris.  Sounds cool.

My opinion of all this is still neutral.  I guess I'm kind of worried about running out of things to say and not having kids to watch as an example of what to do.  Or what if I get bored? She wrote that she wanted a son and she wanted to show him France.

Tomorrow at 11:30 I will meet her.  I'm really getting excited. She wrote that she does speak English, thank goodness.

Tonight we still have dinner, soccer and a talent show and party.  It is already 6 and it still feels like mid-afternoon.  Maybe soon I'll get back on schedule.

Tonight was pretty wild!  We planned a talent show.  We did the three wolves in Paris - a take off from the three little pigs.  It was fun and funny putting it together.  At 10 p.m. we performed it and about 11:30 p.m. we headed for bed. Only we played UNO instead until 12:30 a.m. It was funny because we were all so tired we could hardly see straight.  There were 5 of us sprawled all over the floor of our 3X3 room.

Tuesday, June 24, 1986

06/24/86 Stuck in the airport

Tuesday, June 24, 1986

I think I got 2 hours of sleep since I last wrote.  It is 4 p.m. in France. We had to wait in the airport from 10-4. YUK!  I think the only thing I want right now is something to drink and SLEEP!

I still don't know where I am going.

Before I go home I want to get some French magazines.  I want to write home and ask mom to send chocolate chips (they don't have them) and lots of recipes.  It is much cooler than I expected.  60 degrees, no humidity and breezy.

The money system totally blows my find.  About 7 francs = $1.  It doesn't compute easily in my head but it means a coke here is about $1.20 for a small glass.  Unreal!

I am going to take a snooze now because we have a 2 hour drive to orientation.

Monday, June 23, 1986

06/23/86 And we're off! Traveling at 33,000 ft over Boston to Paris!

Today was a real learning experience.  We had some more classes on being an American and what it means. I'm find out that the only way to really get the most of something is to be myself and talk.  That is the hardest.  I'm definitely too shy!  Joel told me I gotta learn to speak up -- he is so right!

It really is hard to get used to being away.  I miss everything a lot.  I am always thing about them.  I guess as soon as I feel more comfortable away I'll feel less homesick.

My roommate is really nice.  Samantha from Kansas City.

I'm on the airplane to Paris now.  I can't believe I'm actually going through with this.  The plane is going at 33,000 ft.  We are over Boston right now.  We will arrive in France at 10:30.  We took off at 9:30 or so.  I really don't feel like I'm doing this.

I'm getting exposed to French slowly but I don't understand any of it!

I still haven't received my papers yet so I know absolutely nothing about my family or where in France I am going.  I suppose this is going to be a real adventure. I am really tired.  I can't figure out why, our cot last night was pretty comfy.  

Sunday, June 22, 1986

6/22/86 Leaving

6/22/86 Sunday

I guess I was wrong.  I couldn't hold back the tears and not cry in front of everybody!  When I went to Linda's house yesterday to drop off my address Joe was there.  I couldn't help it - the tears fell.  He was a great help but I only saw him for a couple of minutes. Then we said goodbye.  He promised he would write.  I sure hope he does!

The cry was good because I was fine saying goodbye to all the neighbors and Rob and Tammy.  We drove up to CW Post -- the longest hottest awfullest ride I've taken in awhile!  It was a bit less then fun.  When we finally got here I had a miserable tension headache and pressured ears and I had to cry again.

I said goodbye and have kind of withdrawn from all activity since then.  Hopefully tomorrow I'll feel better.  I did meet a few people though.

Oh yeah, another thing that happened yesterday, I took the car out and it died while I was at the meat store.  Overheated.  The day before we had gone to Great Adventure and the tire went flat. I was pretty upset about all of that!

I guess the next few weeks will be really tuff but I'm gonna try my darnedest to make this all work!

Saturday, June 21, 1986

06/21/86 FRANCE -- Departing tomorrow!

Tomorrow I leave for my trip to France.  I got a family name, address and phone # but that's all.  I can't find the city on a map so right now all I can do is guess.

I have a feeling I will have a family with small children on a farm.  I don't know why, maybe because I can't find the city on a map -- so it must be small!

As for leaving I still don't believe it and I'm not excited. I don't know when it will hit me but right now I just feel numb about everything.  I have a lot of packing to do, getting money, saying goodbye, getting rid of my uniform, etc.  Write more later!