Sunday, April 22, 2012

04/22/12 Tonsils out! Lost diamond ring, sad!


Well the week has turned rather warm here in a big hurry!  I swear it was just last Sunday that it was chilly, windy, cool...not it is over 90 and sunny and toasty!  Holly went out yesterday for a little while and came back crispy!  I was really surprised how quickly she got burnt!
We had a fun day yesterday.  The girls had the usual soccer games and Holly's team lost and Katie's won.  Katie's team is still undefeated.  She keeps managing to get on great teams.  She says they aren't even the same girls that were on her undefeated basketball team.  So, cool, eh?!
It really was warm yesterday so two different times the hose was turned on and water fights galore.  Earlier it was Dallas and the girls.  Later me and Dad joined in.  Bryce stayed dry.  Old man.  Not sure why he didn't wanna play.
After a fantastic BBQ dinner we headed over to the kite festival.  The girls each got a book or a kite and then sang with their choir.  After their performance they played the free games, took a ride on the train, walked through the booths and then enjoyed a snow cone.  It was seriously warm.  We were all ready to go home and relax after that!
Dallas is going to have his tonsils and adenoids out.  Surgery scheduled 2 days after school lets out.  Thursday, May 24th.  Poor kid.  I hear a humidifier works wonders so we'll have to find one before then to use.  Do you remember getting yours out?  I don't remember it fondly but dad says it wasn't so bad...what's your memory?  No biggie or biggie?   They say to allow 7 days with no commitments AT ALL and up to 10 days before you really feel better.  Hope it's not that long!
He is also going to start the Diesel Mechanic program June 4.  He is pretty excited about it.
He has been applying for some jobs and hopes to be pretty busy with work and school before long.  He always seems to have a cash flow problem.  Dave doesn't keep him quite busy enough!
Rachel Riley just got put in as Primary President today.  Big job.  I'm sure she'll be great at it.  Just hope it doesn't kill her scouting.  She is our g.s. leader and that takes a lot of time and effort too!
Can't think of anything else exciting to tell you.  Life is good here and between work and YW and kids and hubby don't really have time to do much but enjoy it all!  This warm weather has made me tired but I'm sure I'll get used to it really soon and be full of spit and vinegar again!
Oh yeah, did dad tell you my diamond fell out of my ring?  After about 25 years (with the engagement) of wearing that thing I just looked down and there was no diamond to be found.  I have no idea when/where/how I lost it.  So Dad being as thoughtful as he is took the initiative and went and found a jeweler to replace the diamond.  He got a bigger, better more beautiful diamond and had it back on my hand within about a week.  Pretty amazing, huh?!  AND he didn't spend too much (which would have made me not too happy, ya know!?)  So, like my ring, my marriage is better and more beautiful than it was all those years ago!  We are lucky to have such a great relationship and wonderful children.   
Keep working hard and doing what's right.  You have made an impact on your brothers.  They are preparing to get their patriarchal blessings here soon.  They got their recommends today and we'll go meet with the patriarch soon.  Just gotta make the call, I guess.
Love you lots! Mom.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

04/15/12 Salsa and dating


Well the Grandparents are on an Elderhostel so we are all on our own for dinner today.  Sad, huh!?
Yesterday I bought 20 pounds of salsa and canned about 20 bottles of salsa.  So today, since we have an abundance of salsa, we are having Cafe Rio pork.  (It smells really good out there!)  Still have to make the tortillas....
I don't know what I was thinking buying that many tomatoes!  Luckily it was a rainy day and everybody had nothing better to do then help!
Friday night we had hikes we were supposed to do for YW Camp.  The weather was NASTY.  Seriously, blowing, cold, rainy off and on.  Each group of kids had a different leader assigned.  So I got the 2nd year girls ...Darby, Arrianna and Kyleigh.  Arrianna banged her head and wasn't feeling well so she ditched us.  Kyleigh was saying all along she couldn't go then last minute she could.  Darby was all excited all along and then seriously, as I'm walking out the door, says she can't!  So I go up to her house (with Kyleigh) and make her come.  But we get up to the top of the hill (Darby has been sick with strep and her mom isn't excited about me taking her and wants her back sooner than later) and the weather just seems AWFUL.  I tell the girls to stay in the van and I go check on how long they anticipate the hikes being etc.  AND I find out we are late (Had to wait while Darby got ready).  So I'm get the info on how far they are supposed to go and tell them I'll get them hiked somewhere else.  And take them to the mall.  I walk them around for about 40 minutes and take them home.  I don't know if that makes me the coolest leader ever or the worst leader ever.  I suppose it depends who you ask!  We had a nice walk around and Darby didn't get any sicker due to the weather so I feel pretty good about it!
We had 7 or 8 YW in church today!!!!  And 12 or 13 last for the moment things seem to be picking up in the right direction!
Sister Katie Watkins said that in her mission one of the talks they presented was:

I don't know if you are able to access this or if you want me to send it in an email..but it was EXCELLENT.  It is totally meant for a missionary.  It helped me too but the main portion is about a missionaries experience.  I really enjoyed it.  I talked about it in my lesson today.  Katie mentioned that it really helped her too as she was struggling with some things that were holding her back from being a better missionary.  So let me know if you agree and your thoughts (and if you need me to send you the text rather than then link).
Dallas and Bryce went for their patriarchal blessing pre-interviews today.  I haven't talked to them yet to find out when they will get those.  That is pretty exciting.
Your cousin Maddie likes Dallas' friend Carlos and they went out 2X this weekend.  Bryce went to the Stake Dance and got to see the Maddie he is fond of.  Dallas is still fighting his sickness and goes to a specialist on Thursday to see about maybe getting some surgery on those big bad tonsils of his.
He also looked into the DXATC Diesel Mecahnic college and will probably start taking classes June 4.  He should be able to complete his certificate prior to his mission if he decides to persue the program.  I told him to try the 1 class this summer before he decides for sure...maybe he won't love it.  Nothing lost if that's the case.  He is pretty excited about it.
Well life continues in a whirlwind of activity!  You sound wonderful.  Keep up the good work.  You are such an inspiration and example to our family and others.  You have no idea!  XOXO mom.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

04/08/12 Happy Easter!


It has been a nice family filled weekend.  We went to gma and pa's yesterday and had the traditional egg hunt.  Wendy's family, jared's kids, ben and laura, and us were there.  A good little bunch of egg hiders and egg finders.  Bryce brought along Matty..the girl from bloomington he is sweet on.  She is a cute girl and I think she enjoyed the day with the Griffin's.  Grandma tried to get Katie to be a hider and not a finder...but heck no!  She was not ready to "grow up" just yet!  She insisted on hunting eggs again this year.  Emma on the other hand (2 months older than Katie) would NOT hunt eggs, but chose to "help" Holly with her hunting.  Funny girls.  We have some cute pix of everyone which hopefully dad can get to you!
Today we are going to Laura and Ben's house for another get together.  Sure to include great food and family.  Yesterday was brunch, today is 4 p.m. dinner.
I guess there is a new missionary in your area, Elder Golightly, who is the nephew/cousin of the Melessa's.  He is from Las Vegas and his picture was up on the website of Sis Carlos this week.  So, if you get a chance, you'll have to welcome him to your mission!  He saw your blog and commented on it before he left so he probably knows way more about you than you'd prefer!
The girls performed out at Tuacahn this week...a choir gig.  I skipped YW and went with Dad.  It was a nice evening together.  Weather beautiful.  The kids sang pretty.  It was nice.
And I guess we had a killer turn out for YW too!!!  Which is awesome!  We are trying to get everyone to commit and come to all the pre-camp meetings because they all want to go to camp.  So far it seems to be working.  I'll keep my fingers crossed cause last year we had to redo all certification up at camp because they blew off all the firstaid, hike, etc precamp meetings.  Kids.
Dallas has continued to struggle with gigantic tonsils and mono.  He went in again (3rd dr visit since November) and it was confirmed he still has mono and giant tonsils.  Dr. says we should probably schedule to get them out once school is over.  I hear it is pretty miserable on older people and recovery is 7-10 days.  So doing it during school isn't necessarily advisable.  I feel bad for him though because you can tell he just doesn't feel great.  He continues to do everything (which is admirable) but he kind of drags.  He downplays it and says he is fine but I can see that he isn't quite right!  (I hope this will teach him to kiss girls!!!!, jk)  He is almost done his 3rd round of antibiotics and nothing seems to have changed.  I will probably get him into a specialist in the next week or two and just confirm what our dr said. (His dr. doesn't do the surgery -- I didin't realize that -- or I'd have taken him to the specialist this past time instead of wasting another dr visit for nothing!!!)
Dallas spent the day with Uncle Ben last week doing some mechanic work.  He REALLY enjoyed it and is pretty sure he wants to go into diesel mechanic now.  We have some programs to check out here in town and hopefully we can do that soon.  So many things to track down these days...ACT, college, tech school, scholarships, etc!

Bryce also went in and talked to the counselor and says he wants to be a physical therapist.  I guess that is a master's program and U of U is the only school in Utah that offers that??? Not sure...but Bryce and me and dad are like...NO WAY!!! NO U of U!!! They will not get my Bryce!!! ha ha.  So we have to look into that some more too.  I know it's a long way off but he's trying to get a "plan" in place.  We were trying to make sure he qualifies for the Regent Scholarship --- you and Dallas both blew that one.  You didn't get the right classes in and Dallas' grades aren't quite high enough (there is still a chance, but he won't get the BIG regent award).  Bryce on the other hand has never gotten below A- yet and has scheduled all the right classes.  So he might pull off the $5000 scholarship.  We'll see!
Well I gotta run.  We are supposed to be at Squires in 20 minutes.  Naughty me.  I got so into talking to you that I ran out of time.

We will send you a pix of your easter candy and then try to get it to the mail box this week!  XOXO Happy Easter, Love Mom.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

04/01/12 General conference and love at home


Well it's time to watch the 2nd session of conference (an hour ago) but with Tivo we can watch it whenever we like!~  So we will turn it on soon and then head to gma and pa's house for dinner!
I am making our sweet pork and burritos for dinner (dont think it is gpa's favorite) but everybody else loves it.
The week has flown by and I can't even really think what exactly went on!  Work has been easier this week, not sure why. Seems to have slowed down or I've had plenty of good help or I've gotten better at what I am doing...not sure.  But it is nice.  I have to work for Kerry
the treasurer next week, 3 days.  So I need things to be calm up in my world!  I will be getting all the money from the community center, golf course and city hall.  Counting it and depositing it.  I am scheduled to do it again for 1 week the end of May too.
I feel very blessed right now.  All the kids seem to be on the right track and there is generally a good feeling in our home.  The girls practice the piano each morning (and Dallas has started rewarding them with mini choco bars for getting up without a fuss and doing their practice, which has helped them to be motivated I think!)  The boys are both Pres. of their quorums at church and seem to be really striving to do what is right and be good examples.  It is a very comforting feeling to know they are doing the right thing.
Dallas had a date yesterday.  A girl, flute player, asked him out to laser tag and dinner.  He hasn't said a ton. Had a good time but he doesn't REALLY really like her, ya know?  It was a triple date so there were 3 couples and the other couples actually went to the movie Hunger Games after all the other activity.  He came home and went to priesthood with his brother and dad.
We girls have continued selling our G.S. Cookies (2 dozen more during games yesterday morning) and the girls are really enjoying soccer.  They are both really talented defensive players.  Holly loves to goalie, Katie playes that corner position just above the goalie.  Katie has gotten with a bunch of really talented girls and they won basketball and looks like they may win soccer.  Mostly the same bunch of girls.  She is anxiously awaiting her plaque from bb and hopes to get another for soccer.

Last night we went to the D.I. and the girls picked out new dresses.  They were $3 each.  They were pretty excited.  Dad will have to send you the pix, they are on my camera.  We also found some fancy curlers that heat up in 4 minutes.  Hopefully they will start taking more of a role in doing their own hair.  That's the idea, anyway!
We watched the conferences and they were really good.  From what I can tell the underlying theme is to keep the commandments, teach our children to keep the commandments and we will be happy. I think overall the members are not doing prayer, scripture study, pondering, etc.  And we need to get back to the basics and repent and move toward Christ.  We need to stop envying what others have and be thankful for all we have.  The girls were challenged in primary to write down the name of each speaker and write/draw a pix with one sentence or idea from each talk.  Holly sat through 6 hours of conference so far and hasn't missed a talk!  I have helped her write down the names and tell her what to draw but she is really trying!  The girls played bingo too...pix of church, prophets, temple etc.  They have to cover each idea when they see or hear it and try to get bingo.  They are available at if you know any kids in your area that would help.  It's pretty cool.  Then you can give little treats when they get bingo!


Anyway...time to get busy making our tortillas and watching last session and heading out of here!

Love you and hope you are doing great!  XOXO Mom.