Monday, March 25, 2019

03/25/19 Not moving again...but house is back up for sale, for now!

Noel Jackson, Emmerson Carnavale, Joel Beckstand

We are on a roller coaster with our house. About 1 year ago Andy had a very strong impression we needed to sell our house (downsize). At that time I was RS president and had been for about a year. We put our house up on the market and within a couple of weeks I was released as RS President and he was put in as 1st counselor in the bishopric. So our house didn't sell for the 6-8 months we had it listed. During that time we found an amazing house and spent about $1000 doing inspections and appraisals trying to purchase this home.  Long story short we never could sell our house and secure the other house. So we put it to bed and decided we were supposed to stay. We settled in and were fine with that. But we told each other that if the opportunity arose we would still move.

So in November a ward member approached us and told us they wanted to purchase our home. Then they kind of dragged their feet and said they had to wait and do their taxes before they could proceed.  Then they said their taxes were done and they were ready to move forward - they made an official offer. So we found another house and moved forward as if our house was sold only to find out last week that they have rescinded their offer...they said their taxes came in higher than expected and they didn't have the money for the down payment and the taxes. (information I would have thought they would have known prior to approaching us,  Sigh.)

So once again we've spent money and have a house ready to purchase only our house is once again not sold. We listed it again this past week with a different realtor (the one who is selling the new house we want to he's super motivated, right? two sales in one!!)

Bishop Jerry Clark and wife Christy

I'm still unsure what Heavenly Father has in mind for us -- Andy felt really strongly that it was time to move and then we've tried and tried and the house just won't sell. We can't decide if we really aren't supposed to move or if we are supposed to move but just need to continue to try harder!  Our realtor was super cute and said he's seen it before...when someone is in the bishopric their house just won't sell -- because the Bishop is praying them to stay. I laughed and told him oh, no, it was much worse for us...not the Bishop but the Stake President is praying we don't leave! 

I told the Stake President that on Saturday and he laughed and said it wasn't just him it was the whole Stake Presidency!  😂

So I've had many sleepless nights and I'm trying to learn to leave it in the Lord's hands and stop worrying about things!! But that is easier said than done. Andy says we're going to give it another couple of weeks and then give up again! I guess we'll see!

Honestly we are very fortunate because really whatever happens is just fine. I love our house and our ward/stake.  I really don't want to leave it. I've spent a year thoroughly cleaning and de-junking my house and pretty much have things paired down and beautiful.

The place we want to go is super wonderful too if that works out. It is smaller and has a pool and a quiet neighborhood. So if that works that would be really nice for us too.

Who knows what Heavenly Father has in store for us ?!  But I just keep praying I'll go where you want me to go Dear Lord...and if that's nowhere that's fine too! 

Saturday, March 16, 2019

03/16/19 Yard dolls get a face lift

Bryce and Marlee are down for spring break so they came over for dinner with her parents. We had a fun time. We set up the yard dolls and painted them throughout the evening. It was fun!

Friday, March 15, 2019

03/15/19 Vanderhall-in around town!

Spring Break and the girls are in California - so Andy picked up a Vanderhall three wheeled contraption and we cruised around. (It looks and feels like a motorcycle but is classified and drives like a car)

Andy stopped by work to "surprise" me with this and then we went and gave Grandpa Griffin a ride. While there we convinced them to come on a picnic with us. We picked up subway sandwiches and drove out to Leeds to meet Bryce and Marlee for a lunch in the park. 

Afterward we drove around a bit more and then returned it. Andy's getting to try all kind of fun new things with his new radio job...and this was one of his more favorite ones!

Thursday, March 14, 2019

03/14/19 Hyperbaric Chamber Oxygen Treatment

Hyperbaric Chamber Oxygen Treatment - Vibrant You - one of Andy's sponsors wanted Andy to come try a treatment before talking about it next week. 

When we first arrived them put us on a vibration machine for 10 minutes.  It is supposed to be like 1 hour of exercise in 10 minutes. It just shakes you like crazy. Gets your circulation going. 

Vibration Machine

Then they had us go over to the chamber. It was like a little pup tent. 
Hyperbaric chamber

We both got inside the chamber together. They pressurized the container (our ears popped at the beginning and then end).  We stayed in there for about 1 hour breathing pure oxygen. We had little red light patches we could put on our sore spots. We were able to talk and text and read or play games while we relaxed. They give you the oxygen mask to start with but you don't have to wear it the whole time. 

Not sure if it really did much...we both slept really well that night -- almost like we had jet lag. Seems like we had good energy this week but don't know if it was due to the treatment or the fact that it was spring break and we were playing and having fun without kids!