Monday, March 28, 2016

03/27/16 Happy Easter!

The weather has been pretty nice this week so we were able to play pickleball Monday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon after work.  The McAllister's joined us and then on Thursday they introduced us to some other couples and we played with some different people.  The one couple was the best of two married couples and were preparing to play in a tournament Friday.  They were pretty good (too good for me!!) but the other couple we were able to hold our own with.  Dad thinks we could have won on a different day -- probably so.  It was fun to meet new people and play though.

Tuesday was caucus night so the prosecutor wanted to get done early so we had a nice early night (prosecutor left at 6:30 p.m., we were out of there by 7:15 p.m.)  Unfortunately I know that the next two weeks we are going to pay for our easy night as the calendar is stacked high.  Wah!!!  Judge always likes to never get a day/night off, you just get to do it later!  Yup!  

Wednesday dad had a big media day broadcast that he did and so he was super busy all day but was done by early afternoon.  He interviewed coaches and kids about baseball on the TV program.  

Kathy from work cleaned out her strawberry patch and gave me about 25 plants.  I put them all in the back yard in two different areas.  I've never had success with strawberry plants before.  She swears I can do it...if it doesn't work this time I really better give up because there is no excuse!!!!  So far I have one or two plants that look amazing.  A dozen or so more that look Ok.  And a few that are struggling.  Time will tell!

Friday we went to Casa Dona Maria's with gma and gpa.  We had a really nice relaxing lunch and just hung out for awhile and talked.  The girls had soccer practice so we got them after that ended.  Dad had to work and the girls and I went to the Scott's house for a surprise party for Sister Scott.  She is 70!!!!  There were guys serenading her (quartet guys, so it was awesome!!!) and BBQ and salad and cake.  I only knew a couple people which is surprising but it was fun and nice and very well attended.   
Got to look over at our old back yard.  Sad.  They have let the weeds go wild.  There was a tree that kept trying to start little trees that I always trimmed.  They let them all grow so there is random little trees growing everywhere.  The grass was splotchy mess.  There was stuff piled all over the patio so it wouldn't really be a great place to hang out.  A broken tramp in the middle of the sand.  Just sad!!!!  I loved that little paradise back there. 

Yesterday was a pretty mellow Saturday.  Dad mowed and the girls picked up grass.  I edged/blew the clippings.  We made lots of treats -- bunny cake was Holly's creation for Dallas' birthday.  Dipped peanut butter balls.  Magic middles (Dallas' request).  Rolls for dinner tonight.  We went to women's conference while dad went to a game with AJ.

The conference was really good.  The message I got was to stop looking in the mirror (worrying about yourself) and look through the window at others and serve and love them and care for them however you can.  Which is so true -- if you serve others you feel so much better about yourself and you are blessed.  I know that when I take the time to do something nice for someone else I forget my worries and my mind shifts to a happier place. 

Brother Long is one of our new families for dad to home teach.  He hurt himself at work and posted on the internet that he had gone to the insta-care to have it looked out.  Dad felt like he should call him.  So he did.  Bud was so happy to have a call and when asked if there was anything he needed he requested a blessing.  So Dad and I headed over.  Bud admitted that he wanted to have a blessing but was shy to ask.  So it was good that dad felt the inspiration and followed it.  We had a nice visit and hopefully Bud will be better soon. 

While we were out we stopped by the Telford's (another couple dad is to visit -- they are about 85). They are the sweetest couple.  Said they've been married 65 years. WOW!!!!  They are so welcoming and kind.  They were happy to have us even without an appointment and visited with us for quite awhile.  We finally said we needed to go and they were reluctant for us to leave.  They are a pretty healthy happy pair.  

Today is Easter and we get to celebrate Dallas' birthday too!  We will have brown sugar spiral honey baked ham, potatoes, baked beans, rolls and yummy desserts.  Should be good!!!!

Colton Turner got his release date and it was supposed to be May but they moved it to the next transfer and he's coming home Thursday during girls camp in June.  (June 23).  Byron is coming home about 1 week late - like you - and he will be home Wednesday that same week.  Unfortunately Sister Warby is YW president and Sister Turner is asst camp director!  So they will have to go up to camp, settle the girls then come home, greet their missionary.  Spend a day or so and then they plan to go back up and finish girls camp.  Sigh!  At least when I was dropping you off at the MTC you were gone -- they are getting their kid back and then gonna have to leave them!!!!  Bad timing!  I don't know how they'll do mission reports in Sacrament meeting...if they will both do the same day or two different weeks.  

Anyway it's going to be an exciting summer as all your buddies make their way back.  I haven't really heard anything of David and Matthew or even Colton for that matter.  I've been reading all Byron's weekly letters though.  You sure have a nice group of friends. 

Holy Smokes this early church kills me!!! It's already 8:23!!! I gotta run and get everybody up and ready for church!  LOVE YOU !!!!! Mom

Sunday, March 20, 2016

03/20/16 Star Gazing and pizza making


It feels like we get a Sunday off because today is the Provo Temple Dedication.  So all regular meetings are cancelled and we have 3 sessions to choose from 9, 12 or 3 to go to the Stake Center and watch the dedication.  We are going to go later so it feels like I got my old Sunday pattern back (walk, write Bryce, eat, take a bath, practice piano, go to church)

So Ida Lunceford died last Wednesday about an hour after we left.  I am thankful for her that she was able to go quickly and seemed like without too much pain. Her funeral was really nice and I enjoyed seeing old ward members and seeing some of her kids for the first time.  It was a beautiful service.
Our family relations class went really well.  (Dad did everything, so of course it did! He's such a great teacher).  We had a great group -- Taylors, Wilkins, Carevales, Clarks, Wrights, Telfords (new people), Raes, Sister Johnsona and Sister Thornton.  I think that was everyone.  Anyway just a super fun group of people.  Dad had everybody rate their relationship and told them to reflect on areas they could work on and talk about.  The time went quickly and we've had a lot of positive feedback.  Many of the people in the gospel doctrine said they wanted to switch to our class because it sounded like we were having lots of fun in there!  

Monday we did lots of homemade pizza and took some to the Hicken's (they just had a baby boy) and the Carnevale family came over.  The kids made calzones (which they enjoyed doing!) and we made some regular pizza too.  They are such a fun family and it was a great evening with them. 

Tuesday Katie went out and did some missionary work for YM/YW.  I think she had a pretty nice time but she had a funny experience.  Active families signed up to have the kids over so she and her companion were assigned to go to the Wood's house.  (Who I guess forgot).  So She ended up going to the Clove's house instead. Just like real missionary work!  Seems like the comp she was supposed to have didn't show up either so she ended up with a different comp too.  Anyway...Dad told her it was good she was getting some true to life experience since you have people cancel all the time in the field. 

Wednesday we had fun playing pickleball with the McCallisters and then I had a RS dinner.  We went to the RS building in town and the Clove's told us about the history of the building and Washington.  It was interesting. He and Merilee both grew up here so they remember things as they were kids. Mayor Clove talked about stuff that happened since I've been here and told everyone I was with the City when...

Thursday I got off early because I traded with Shannon and had to work Friday.  Dad and I went to lunch at Rigattis with gma and gpa.  We enjoyed calzones and hung out for awhile.  It was pretty quiet and nice there. Thursday evening the Riley girls and us girls went to gma and gpa house and made little Easter gift bags for Diane (Elder Hostel trip next week).  We had fun creating eggs and stuffing bags and hanging out with the folks.  Afterward we went for a walk and the sky was beautiful and clear and peaceful. So amazing that Gpa invited us back Friday night to get the telescope out. 

So Friday we went back and saw the craters of the moon and a couple of stars but it was cloudy and not quite as nice as the night before.  Oh well!!! It was fun and we got to hang out and visit and Rachel and Morgan Riley came too.  

Friday dad got the flu and was down and out.  March Madness was on and he wasn't even that into it -- had if off for awhile!!!  You know he's sick when there is basketball games on all day and he's not tuned in!

Saturday we had soccer games and then Holly hung with the Riley's and Katie prepped all day for her 2nd Stake Dance.  (No, she wasn't excited at all).  Dad and I went to baseball, soccer and baseball games and he interviewed and watched events and I took some pix for stgnews.  

So another busy full week is behind us and we're set to do it all again next week!  

So a thought for the week based on my studies for Family Relations class: 
If you are keeping score in your marriage you are already losing.

In all our friendships (and especially in our eternal companionship) we need to go in always forgiving and forgetting and building and not always trying to keep score on who wronged who last.  

It is a good lesson for us all to have a forgiving attitude and to always try to build up one another rather than find fault and problems. 

Hope you are doing well and can't wait to hear from you!!! Love you lots!!! mom

Monday, March 14, 2016

03/13/16 Reflecting on life and death

Cab of truck caught fire and shut down freeway for about 1 hr
It's been a week to reflect upon life and death.  Jacklin Tracey's funeral was nice.  (Mom's oldest sister's husband...Uncle Jacklin)  I didn't really feel like I knew him but at the funeral I learned all of the great things he did throughout his life and he was a great man who loved to serve the Lord until he died.

On our way back from SLC we ran into traffic stopped dead on the freeway.  And it stayed that way for the better part of an hour.  When we were finally able to pass this is what we saw.  Kids tell me if you look close the guy was hauling cookies (nutter butters) and stuff.  I'd have stopped to clean up if I'd a realized!!! haha.

The kids say if you look close the load was cookies...yummy!!
Later this week I got an email stating that Sister Ida Lunceford had terminal cancer.  I've been feeling like I needed to visit her but things had gotten in the way so I finally made it up there Wednesday evening.  Amazing how quickly life changes.  She was in a hospital bed.  Her breathing was labored and raspy (the death rattle).  She never knew we were there.  We tried to talk to her and hug her and she would kind of mutter in her sleep but not really.  Brother Lunceford seemed like he appreciated and needed a visit so we stayed for about 2 hours and he talked all about Ida and how wonderful she is.  It was very sad.  The family thinks she will pass away within a week but who knows.  Could drag on.  I haven't heard anything yet. 

Another tragedy this week -- Thursday evening one of Katie's friends mom's died in at ATV accident.  She was 36 or 37 years old.  So sudden and final.  

Glad they were able to get the fire out and freeway open
Anyway I read a book last week about death and then with funerals and sickness and accidents I've just been thinking about death . I think the most poignant moment for me during Jacklin's funeral was when we went to the viewing. Wilma was sitting all alone (on oxygen) beside the casket and everyone had been offering condolences.  I thought...that will be in our future.  Our parents are getting older.  We are getting older.  It won't be long until that is one of us and it broke my heart.  

I have great faith that there is more to come after we die.  And I think it will be wonderful but the time from now until then...the separation period, seems hard!!!  

Enough about that!

Tuesday Dawn had the girls over for homemade chick fillet sandwiches and fries and then piano lessons.  How cool is that?!  Wish I didn't have to work so I could have gone too!!!

This week has been pretty lazy for the girls with Spring Break.  They hung out with friends, watched movies. Chilled.  

Friday we took them on our date with us and the gparents.  We went to Marv's and got burgers and shakes. Then they went over to hang with gma and pa until temple time.  They went and got dunked.  Meanwhile dad and I went to ball games and took pictures for Stgnews.  I picked the girls up and we went to the DI and then came home and watched a movie.  

Saturday Holly went with Layne and the Riley's and worked on his eagle project.  She said it was pretty hard (laying a sprinkler line at the park) for about 4 hours.  

We are making kalua pork and sweet rolls for dinner today -- easy in the crock pot.  Use sea salt (very cheap) and liquid smoke (under $2 bottle) and a pork roast.  Put it in crock pot on low for long time.  YUM!  So there is another idea for you.  Serve with rice and/or rolls, fresh pineapple, beans.  Tasty!

Johnny and Demas are going to disney this week so they are coming to dinner tonight with Diane and the kids.  Should be fun.  She is going to make Malaysian egg rolls. 

Today is our first week of teaching Marriage and family class. Hope it goes well!

Quote of the week:
Goodbye's are not forever, are not the end. It simply means I'll miss you, until we meet again.

It sure was fun getting the phone call and text from your friend with the pix!!!! Loved it.  She seems like a sweet lady. I'm glad she is there to tussle your hair for me!!!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

03/07/16 Salt Lake road trip!

Tabernacle Choir performing March 6, 2016
Been a busy week.  Monday night we celebrated dad's 50th birthday and Randy and Kay Phillips did a slide show about their mission.  Ben and Laura, Us, Jared and Brittney and kids , Wendy and Eddy and kids and Austin and Lindsey and kids were there.  Plus gam and pa and the Phillips.  It was pretty crowded!  The kids did pretty good but they were a little fidgety during the presentation.

Eldon and Andy
Shelly, Holly and Katie at tab choir
Tuesday night was a monster.  Didn't leave work until 9:30 p.m.  We handled over 70 cases from 5-9:30 p.m. 

Wednesday I had my last physical therapy session for my shoulder (yeah!!!!) and a dentist appointment.  Dad and I got out for his first time since the accident and played pickleball.  He did pretty good.  We're trying to take is slow so he doesn't reinjure his knee.

Ray and Suzanne Laurito at the tab choir
Thursday evening Marlee came and watched the girls play their final basketball game of the young women season.  They were in 1st place.  They lost the game so the two teams tied for 1st place.  The other team had a girl that was from the hs team that hadn't been allowed to play all year until now.  If she hadn't been there the girls would have won for sure.  They ended up losing by 6.  

We had a nice visit with Marlee.  We had brats in the oven instead of outdoor bbq cause the weather was a little yucky.  Afterward dad had to work a little so we went upstairs and played ping pong for awhile.  Then Katie and Marlee made a quadruple batch of magic middles.  Yummmmmmm.  The girls aren't going to want to share her with you when you get back. haha. 

Katie got to play in the pep band at school. She thought that was pretty cool!

Eldon and Andy at the tabernacle choir performance
Friday we played pickle ball again.  It's so crazy how warm it is here already.  We were pretty hot after about 40 minutes of playing.  We aren't going to be able to keep playing at 3 in the afternoon much longer!!!

We went to Applebee's on Friday night with Ben and Laura and gam and gpa for Dad's birthday.  It was fun and nice to visit with the grown ups.   Parker Felter got married Friday so we went to the reception for him over at the Dixie Alumi house.  There was tons of people we knew there.  It was nice. We sat and visited with Bro and Sis Lang for awhile.  They do cruises all the time and told us about some of their trips.  We want to do that some day!  The girls hung out at Riley's until after the reception and then dad had to do some work so I went and watched a movie with them.
Holly, Katie, Shelly, Suzanne and Ray
at the Salt Lake temple grounds
(well I slept through a lot of it!!!)

Saturday morning got up early and did laundry and cleaned bathrooms.  Then went to spin class.  Cleaned the chapel.  Had to run to walmart to get Holly cleats.  Mowed the lawn. Watched the girls play soccer.  cleaned the house some more.  Went to Devon Shelley's wedding reception t the WCCC and then about 8 p.m. got in the car and drove up to SLC to Grandpa L's house.  (Jacklin Tracy died -- mom's oldest sister's husband.) So we came up to go to the funeral Monday morning.  So we may not be online when you get on.  Or maybe we will.  Dunno!!!
Shelly and Andy on the SL temple grounds

This morning we got up and went to the tab choir and walked around downtown slc.  It was kind of overcast and cold but it was fun. We drove home down state street and stopped at Grandma Laurito's grave and showed the girls where her mosoleum is.  I have only been there one other time since she died I think.  

Visited mom's mosoleum
We are planning to have a relaxing day at Lauritos and go to Marcus birthday celebration tonight and then eat dinner and go to bed. Nothing too exciting.  But it's nice to be around family.  

We'll go to the funeral tomorrow and then head home.  Don't know if we'll find anything else fun to do or not.  We wanted to go to the Provo temple open house but it ended yesterday. Blah!  

Anyway.  Love you lots!!!!
Mitchell, Benjamin and Adler Squires

Mitchell Moose making a goofy face!

Aaron Dickey, Adler and Kathryn Squires

Shelly and Andy

Andy blowing out the candles - big 50!

Sunday, March 6, 2016

03/06/16 Visit to Mausoleum of Deanna Laurito

Shelly and Andy at SL Temple Square after Tab choir performance
Deanna Laurito mausoleum drawer
I forgot to mention that while we were up in SLC after going to the tab choir we took state street home.  It passes the cemetery where gma L resides. 

Truly I haven't been excited to go there.  We went the day of the funeral and then the next time we tried to go back the big van died never to revive and we were more worried about the vehicle than visiting the grave.  

I asked dad if we could stop and we were able to easily find her drawer and spend some peaceful time in the cemetery.  

So like 3X this past weekend I really felt the spirit and teared up and had to hold in my boo-boos.  I try not to dwell on not having my mama but I really miss her!!!  


Mausoleum  (right above Katie and Andy's head
a little to the left on the top level is mom's spot)

The whole building
Lake Hills Memorial Mortuary and Cemetary
10055 S State Street, Sandy Utah
across from Sweet Tomato's restuarant