Monday, August 10, 1987

08/10/87 Ending Summer quarter

This summer has gone so fast.  I'm doing really well in all my classes.  Band ended today.  I'm not sure how he grades but I only missed one day (flu).  The music was okay some days but very hard others.  I think we had 30-40 pieces of music we played. Today we had a concert.

English has gone really well.  My major downfall was in the GE test.  W/o it I would have 89.7.  With it I have an 85. I'm nervous about the essay for the final.  If I can keep my head together though I should get a B+ or A.

In Calculus I've surprised myself so far but the final is going to be a killer.  I haven't studied a lot since last week.  I'm scared!

In 2 days I've got to move out of here and I'm going to New Jersey on Friday.

We went camping this week and it was really fun.  I'm still unsure about things.  We spend a lot of time together and we know each other pretty well.  I can tell him anything.  He treats me like a queen.  I'm just worried about handling everything.

I went to the health clinic today and I have mono.  No marching band, no physical activity that is strenuous for 6 weeks!

Tuesday, June 30, 1987

Meeting Mom & Dad Griffin story

unknown date
I first met mom and dad in June of 1987.  I was 18 at the time and fresh out of high school.  I graduated on Friday and on Saturday was on a plane to Utah to attend BYU.  I didn’t know anyone west of Ohio and Andy was kind enough to pick me up at the airport and take me to BYU.  

    That same day I was invited to attend a family picnic with all the Griffin’s aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents etc.  I was taken in immediately by the whole family.  

    Mom and Dad always treated me special and kind.  

    As Andy and I were dating Mom took me under her wing and treated me like she was my mom.  She was so supportive of our getting married.  She even went so far as to take care of my wedding dress, flowers and food for our reception out here.  I never heard her complain about the added expense and bother.  My parents weren’t supportive and it really helped to have someone who was.  Mom even escorted me through the temple and sat with me as I was married.  She helped me primp and fussed over me like I was her very own daughter.  

    I remember as we were newly married we moved to Logan.  Money was extremely tight as both of us were attending college.  Mom and Dad had us down most every weekend and bought us Godfather’s Pizza and let us do our laundry for no charge.  (Speaking of Pizza, can you pass the parmesan?)   Sometimes we would even find a $20 bill in the ash tray of our car or stuffed in the side of my purse.  Mom was always generous giving us hand-me-down pillows, blankets, kitchen supplies, decorations, etc.   I don’t know if we would have made it without the financial support at that time.

    One bad memory I have is the day I hit mom with the horse shoe.  We were playing a game of horse-shoes – and I was not good at it.  I guess my shoe got carried away and hit mom.  I felt so bad about that.  No one in the family will play horse shoe’s with me now.

    Dad has always been a hardworking busy man.  I remember when I first met him he worked all day at the high school and then taught night school several nights a week.  I even had the pleasure of taking a science class from him.  I still enjoy reminding him that he only gave me an A-.  

    Some of my favorite memories are from when we would go camping together.  That was so enjoyable to be out in nature and have Dad explain all the geography around us.  I loved going on long walks and having mom’s cooking.  I even learned what a barking spider is on our trip up to Idaho, thanks to Dad.  

    I remember how sad we were when you left us in a motel in Moscow, Idaho and went home to Utah.  That was a difficult year for us and we realized how much we loved to be around our parents.  We moved back just 9 months later and have made it a priority to live close by.

Monday, June 29, 1987

06/29/87 Out to Utah...falling in Love!


So many things have happened in the past 10 days it is unbelievable.  At the airport I walked a little ways and then saw Andy.  He gave me a big hug and took my bags.  We got the rest of my bags and then went to his home.

I felt a little awkward at first meeting his family but after dinner I felt comfortable.  He drove me to Provo in between and I dropped all my things off.  I left the room a mess and left a note apologizing to Jonna.

We had a picnic dinner at Copperton Park with the family.  By the end of the night we were holding hands and he kissed me goodnight.

Saturday there was workshops.  They went really well.  I talked to my faculty advisor.

Andy and I have gone out so much.  We went to Lagoon on Thursday night.  We had loads of fun and got to talk about so much stuff.  He brought me flowers two times already.

We went back to his house and rode the motorcycle to dinner.  Then we rode around and visited lots of his friends and relatives.  We watched a movie with Steve and Melvin.

We took a ride up to the canyon on the motorcycle.  It was so beautiful.  Absolutely breath taking.

He asked me (indirectly) if I would marry him.  It is so scary but it could be so wonderful.

His mom ordered pizza and we spent the evening watching TV.  Sunday passed quickly .  After supper we headed to BYU.

Things could be so wonderful if we were married but it would be so difficult.  Money would be a real problem in addition to housing and cars.  I'm not sure if what I'm feeling is love.  I really have been happy. I'm confused.

Friday, June 19, 1987

06/19/87 Graduated High School!


I did it!  I graduated.  All these months I've been waiting and out of nowhere it is here!  I don't even know where to begin.  i probably don't even remember it all!

Saturday Joel, Andrea, Brian and I went down to the beach.  It was cloudy and a little chilly but we had great fun anyway.  We went to Joel's beach house and ate lunch and then played volleyball on the beach, went in the water, took an ultra long walk, played games, let a toilet flush for half hour and then ate out.

It was the last time I got to see Andrea.  She went to Girl's State and won't be back.  It was really special.  I never realized how much people cared until recently.

Tuesday I had my last back appointment so Monday and Tuesday I did a swim workout.

I called Andy and talked to him for a few minutes one night.  I've gotten to see Karen loads this week which was great.

I went to wiffle ball at church on Tuesday and played my final YM/YW game!  Wednesday Tonya came from down south.  She stayed until today.  We went to Relief Society.

Thursday was packed with Graduation practice and Graduation.

After school Chuckie, Dina, Joel, Tonya, Eugene and me went to have pizza together. We talked about old times and people and places and the future.  It was a very happy time. In fact, graduation was really happy for me.  I'm so exciting to me moving on!  I don't feel a loss.  I know they'll all be there for me if I need them.  I was really surprised at how upset some people were.

Mike Fanelli's even seemed a little upset that I was going.  Brian Rappa surprise me with the kiss I never got after the prom.  Don kissed me goodbye and Time, Joel and Mike just gave me a huge hug.  Tammy and Karen and I did real well and none of us cried.  I'm not sad though.  Not now.  Of course the party ended at 1:30 a.m. and it took me until 3 a.m. to load my suitcase.  After 3 hours of sleep and writing all my thank you notes I'm still surviving.  Hopefully after I transfer I'll get a little sleep.  I'm really excited about getting to Utah though.

I want to make new friends and do great it school.  It would be great if I could lose some weight but that's not a priority right now.  I like me and I have to convince myself of that.  That's it for now!