Sunday, February 26, 2023

02/26/23 Shrek the Sheep


We talked about Shrek the Sheep in Church today. Somehow he escaped being sheared for 6 years and when they sheered him it was 60 lbs of wool. They likened that to humans who stray and accumulate the weight of sin. And how good it feels to repent and return to white again, just like Shrek the sheep. 

Become lighter, liberated and joyful, through the covenants you make and Jesus Christ. 

I don't know if you can use this in your teaching but it was a nice little lesson in YM/YW meeting!

Shrek, The Sheep Who Escaped Shearing for 6 Years

 JUL 23, 2014  3 COMMENTS

Shrek was a Merino sheep, a castrated male, belonging to South Island, New Zealand, who gained international fame in 2004 owing to his gigantic coat of fleece. Shrek became famous after escaping his enclosure and evading the shearers for six years by hiding in caves. Merino sheep are usually shorn annually but Shrek managed to escape the blade for six years straight. When he was finally caught, the sheep was unrecognizable. “He looked like some biblical creature,” said John Perriam, Shrek’s owner.


Primitive sheep shed most of their wool every year, but domestic breed like the Merino - the ones raised primarily for their meat, continues to grow wool year round until sheared. During his cave-living days, Shrek grew a fleece weighing 27 kg, roughly six times the average fleece produced by a Merino sheep. His fleece contained enough wool to make suits for 20 large men.

Shrek shot to fame immediately. He was sheared live on New Zealand’s national television, and his fleece was auctioned off to raise money for children’s medical charities. Shrek met the then Prime Minister of New Zealand, Helen Clark, and became the subject of children’s books and made charity appearances. Two and a half years after the first live television event, Shrek underwent another live shearing, this time on an iceberg floating off the coast of Dunedin, New Zealand.

Shrek died in 2011 at the age of sixteen.









02/26/23 What a week!

 Hey! It's Sunday afternoon - Feb 26.  Dad's birthday is Wednesday...he'll be 57 years old! WOW!!! right?!  I think we'll do birthday dinner with his sibs on Wednesday and then Thursday we're talking about doing shooting over at Rowdy's Range or something fun. We'll see!  I haven't gotten any presents's hard to buy for a guy that has everything!😂

Well let's see...this week has been different! In a good way mostly, haha. 

Monday was a holiday for me (as you know! since I got to talk to you lots!!!) Dad had to work all day. It's always nice to have an extra weekend day! I went to a wedding shower for Darby Riley. It was really fun to see Sister Bulow, Sister Turner, the Riley Twins & Morgan, Sister Porter, Sister Whitney, Sister Beckstand and her daughter Shayne. Lots of the 8th warders. A surprise was seeing Sister Myrna Stout there from our current ward. Apparently, she is the groom's Aunt!  Super cool.  

The shower was great and she got some nice stuff. We played music jeopardy -- which you know I am the worst at guessing song names and artists...the worst!  But I figured out a way to cheat! I buzzed in really fast. Said something opponent didn't get it either and then my TEAM got it! 😜 Oh yeah!  Figuring out ways to work around my weaknesses! Our team won! 

Then we played a game where we marked off who did what who talked about marriage first, him or her. Somehow I scored PERFECTLY!!! And so I won two packs of chocolate-covered cherries. 🤐 bleh. Not my favorite. On the bright side...not tempted to try it! 

Tuesday was a quick day at work - department head meeting, and just catching up on all the work from a long weekend. My back/neck have been bothering me so I finished off the day with a trip to the chiropractor. 

Wednesday I worked half a day and then Dad and I made the trek to Logan. It was very nerve-wracking as they were announcing a really bad storm and schools all up and down the state were closing down and doing virtual learning. And what do we do? Go out in it! All day long! I took picture after picture of slide-offs and wrecks. The road got worse and worse the further north we went. We had a two track through Sardine canyon ... which just means we were driving on snow with a track in the middle in the dark. It was very treacherous and scary driving. For 24 miles. And then we finally arrived safely in Logan. 

The first games he covered were Thursday morning at 9 a.m. I came with and took pictures and enjoyed two games of basketball (between four St George teams!!) (I still can't believe they made those kids travel the whole length of the state to play each other!!!). But it was really fun and two great games. I had my work computer and did work while at the game so bonus!   Then we had all afternoon to do whatever we wanted...We went out to eat and drove around Logan a little. It looks NOTHING like I remember it! Nothing. It is so strange!

At some point we drove past our two houses and looked for our old work buildings (um...couldn't find them! 🤔)

Friday dad didn't have games until evening but he had work to do -- he still has to write stories He also took a nap.  So I worked Friday morning from the hotel room and then we went out to eat and checked out some stores in town. They have so many great stores in Logan!!! Hobby Lobby (didn't go but they have it), a really big Boomer's type HUGE!!! with great deals!!!, Sam's Club, Winco, Costco, Big Lots. Like...what the heck?!) And restaurants too...TONS of them!!!

Friday night I dropped dad off for his games and drove to Smithfield to meet Jen, a girl I went to seminary with back in high school. We decided we've seen each other only once since high school and it was when AJ was a like 1992. WOW, huh?!  It was fun to see her and catch up. She has 2 dogs and 3 cats so that visit didn't last too long!😂. Which was was just right!

Saturday dad's game was at 5 p.m. so we had all morning and afternoon to chill.  Dad got another nap -- which is good it made it so he could drive all night!  We made to classic blunder...pulled up to WINCO and realized we had NO CASH or DEBIT cards or kids! We went to the old cheese factory and bought cheese and ice cream. We used to do that back in the day! Yum!

We paid for a room Saturday night so we were able to hang out as needed throughout the day. 

I was going to go to the game with dad but when we got up there we could not find a parking spot ANYWHERE.  Like even a block or two away...all full. So I dropped dad off and went to the hotel and watched a movie and hung out alone. It was fun!

Of course, the weather prediction was ugly so we were trying to figure out when to get out of there. Dad said, I trust your decision -- you decide. So I packed us all up and picked him up as soon as the game ended. There was a storm predicted to start as early as 10 p.m. down in our neck of the woods and up as far north as Beaver.  So we were going to get to Bryce's house and then decide. Turns out Thatcher's were staying at Bryce's and we were feeling pretty good and making good time so we decided to keep going. 

Heavenly angels cleared the path for us and we were able to get all the way home and only see a few raindrops and snow flurries. We left logan at 7:18 p.m. and arrived in St. George at 1 p.m.  Amazing. We even stopped for gas and a pizza in there as well as at Bryce's place. So much easier than the trip up. 

I think the kids were sad we didn't visit but it just didn't work out. I don't know why they live up there in the frozen tundra! I just really don't enjoy driving in that crap!

Today we zoomed sacrament meeting and then I went over to YW. It's been so nice to be home and not on the road. There were storms predicted for the whole state again today. 

I've been reading a book called Signs the secret language of the universe by Laura Lynne Jackson - it talks about how we have heavenly angels watching out for us and how those that die will communicate with us after they leave. It talks about listening to the spirit for guidance. And how we often have dreams that will guide us in life. She is not LDS but a lot of her thoughts I agree with. She talks about how we can have different things that will make us feel for you it's ducks. (And I know you aren't dead but I still feel like you are loving me from far away). So every time I hear the ducks in the pond I think of you and I smile and say, ah Katie!!! 

She talks about how to be happy -- fill your pot!!!

1. Smile at 10 people or more every day starting immediately.  Your happy energy will come back to you and will lift others in ways you won't even realize. Be more patient in driving...waive people in instead of flipping them off, hold the door for someone...kindness spreads. 
2. Write what you are grateful for everyday. (She says if you take an Eyore and make them do this for 21 days they will be tiggers instead ... ok those are my words, not hers!)
3. Everyday say...Today is a beautiful day.  Say it! Mean it! Make it happen!

Be mindful of your negative voice and take the time to shift it when you notice it. 

Another thought she had was that we can manifest things. 
1. Say what you want as if you already have it. For example, "Thank you for making me a New York Times Best Selling Author or better by October 2023 or sooner." (she says always say or better and or sooner) So she actually did this and it worked!!!!
2. Tell a friend
3. Let it go. Put it away and stop worrying about it. (So she wrote it on a piece of paper, put it in an envelope in her kitchen drawer, and forgot about it)

Visualize - Write it down - Thank the universe - Trust the universe.  (Universe is the non-LDS word for prayer if you ask me!)

She also says we should do "smudging." K, I never heard of that. But my best description is it's getting rid of negative energy.  Ways to do that -- joyful movement: dance, yoga, run/walk, nature hike, listen to nature, listen to the water.  After she described it I realized I do that but never called it that.  I need to do it more.  I just LOVE working outside. I think the pool is my smudging place. I can feel the weight of the world lifting off of me when I do certain activities. Find those activities and allow yourself to expel negative energy!

Pay attention to what you are eating and how it makes you feel. Be more conscious - eat less processed food and more nurturing foods (fruits, veggies, plant-based meals). Express gratitude for your meals. 

Sleep 7-9 hours per night. Recharge your soul. Gateway to heavenly powers - drams and impressions often come during sleep, dreams, when we are quiet. (I will 100% agree with this. When I was RS president I always felt like HF talked to me at 4 a.m. It was like "our" time!!!)

Pray I know this is long so if you've made it this far...good on ya mate!

We had a combined YM/YW meeting today and we had some good speakers. They talked about righteous judgment and how we need to not just disregard people based on first impressions. About how when you are on a mission you are actually working with all the people that here you might just write off. But we need to get past the bad habits or language or whatever and love the people beneath the judgment. We are all children of God. And we are all loveable.  (That being said they said sometimes you'll come across people that you'll still need to get away from!!! Listen to the spirit!)

So the overlying message - Always be friendly - Be a good influence on others - with the help of the holy ghost you can use your judgment and move forward with friendships. Love others. 

I'm gonna wrap it up here!!! I LOVE you! I hope you had a great week. I'm so proud of you for working through hard things and serving the Lord. You are brave. You are wonderful. I am so impressed with you. I can't imagine doing what you are doing when I was your age. 

We're on our way to E&D's house. Love you lots! Talk to you tomorrow! xoxo mom (and dad!!!)

Sunday, February 19, 2023

02/19/22 Welcome, Imogene Griffin

 Well, it's been quite the week! 

As you know, Marlee had beautiful Imogene Kay Griffin, 7 lb 11 oz, 20 in after a grueling labor. Her water broke at 1 a.m. on Sunday, Feb 12 and Imogene didn't arrive until Monday, Feb 13 at 11:05 a.m. 34 hours from water break to baby and 4.5 hours of pushing. Needless to say, that was a lot of work!  But she's perfect and beautiful. You did good, Katie!  (Missionary prayers!!!)

Tuesday was Valentine's Day and we kept busy. I took my sugar cookies to work and shared them. After work, dad made a big hunk of smoked meat and we had a nice romantic dinner together 

Wednesday I spent 3 hours up in the court training the new girl (Yes, Morgan, the assistant has already quit). Since I was working late I didn't go to lunch with B&L and Gpa and Dad. They went to Paula's without me. 

Thursday they started recarpeting my office at work and I got kicked out of my office. So I stayed as long as I could and then went up to the court and helped out for an hour or so before going home. Friday I just stayed home completely -- because I just couldn't be bothered to be out of the office again! haha. 

Thursday evening we went to dinner with Judy and Bob Bolivar. I guess Bob was a magician in Hollywood (he's on youtube!!!) so maybe a little famous?!  We went to Pork Belly restaurant and had dinner and then we went over to their place where he did a magic show for us and they gave us some fancy cake. It was a fun evening and they want to go out with us some more. 

Friday dad decided to take off a night of basketball and we got a hotel in Spanish Fork (the only affordable place we could find) and headed up to see the new baby girl!  Holly decided to come with us after some back and forth. She stayed overnight at B&M's house and really enjoyed holding the baby and wee-hour feedings. (This is actually very surprising because she has been pretty anti-baby for a while now!). In fact, she says she can see herself having a baby in 4 or 5 years...which is good progress from NEVER! haha. 

On Saturday we went to the Aquarium with D&M and the twins and Holly. It was really fun. DJ was more warm and fuzzy than Ellie but they both were pretty happy to be playing together at the aquarium. We walked through for about 2 hours. At the end, dad bought them penguins and got a little penguin book for Imogene (mo-mo is what they call her!). 

We found a Hawaiian restaurant called Lolo's just down the street from the Aquarium. We bought the family special and shared it. It was really good. And there was so much food that both Dallas and Bryce got a large container full of leftovers to take home with katsu chicken and kalua pork, rice, and mac salad.

We went to The Liquidators and Trader Joe's on our way back to Provo and found some junk to buy. We were going to go to Winco but nobody had a debit card or cash so that was a bust!

We spent the evening just hanging out -- Mama Thatcher was there too and then we had pizza together before we headed back to our hotel. 

(We did priceline for our just say what area you want and they randomly give you a hotel. Kind of a fun game if you don't care. That's how we ended up in Spanish Fork.  It was $62 night compared to $100-$200 night everywhere else.). In fact, the Hampton Inn just a block from where we stayed was $162 a night. It is president's day and the all star game was going on up in SLC so the hotels up there were EVEN MORE!!! So We felt pretty lucky to find something that didn't completely kill the budget. 

Came home to Becca and Aj who are here for the weekend. Aj had some real estate stuff and just likes to hang down here. 

After we got home, we went to E&Ds house and had dinner with Marcus and family and AJ and Becca and GPA and us. Marcus made ribs and they were super delicious. We visited for an hour or so after dinner. 

We didn't do any church today so you might need to send ME a spiritual message this week!!!! 

I know you had a rough day earlier this week. I hope you are feeling better now and able to soldier on. I've been worried about you all week! Look forward to talking to you!!! You'll have to let me know what time so i can make sure and have some time to chat with you. (Tomorrow is a holiday for me but not for dad). 

Love you lots!


Sunday, February 12, 2023

02/12/2023 Happy Valentine's Day!!!

 Love you ❤ for Valentine's Day!!!  Hope you do something a little extra for V-Day. Maybe you can make sugar cookie hearts and take them around to members or something!!!

It's been a really hectic week and I can't really figure out why. But whew!  Seriously!

My bosses were gone Monday and Tuesday so I picked up a project from the utility office that kept me busy at work. Other stuff mixed in with it to make me feel really really busy!

Tuesday I went to the Dixie Center and met dad and watched the Mayor of St George do her state of the city's an hour long talk about our community basically. Not too exciting but something different to do for sure. 

Wednesday we met at Don Pedro's but I had to be late cause the bosses were all back and right as I was walking out the door my boss texted me about an urgent problem that he wanted me to take care of right away. So I did. And was 20 minutes late for our dinner date.  

For YW we did heart attacks...we had a bunch of paper cut into heart shapes and wrote notes on it. Then we took the notes and put them on 5 homes...there was a guy in our ward that fell off a ladder and has some surgery ahead - Mont Gubler; A little YW that lives with her Gma and hasn't been coming out real regularly Dakota Bingham; One of our YW birthday - Dylin Blaser; Sister Haymore (bro Haymore in Bishopric, Sis Haymore is responsible for combined activities) and Sister Marlowe - who just had baby #2 and was recently released from YW. So a nice variety of people. We had mini candy bars too that we also taped on the doors. 

Thursday & Friday one of my bosses was out again -- Jeremy - for hernia surgery. So I continued working on the utility project but also had a lot of people looking for the boss and having to take care of them best I could. 

I ended up with some extra hours this week by the time the week was over. It just felt really busy this week!

Holly and Erik came over Friday and we went to Angelica's -- just the four of us - cause Gpa had his New Harmony bunch lunch at his house. They came back later in the evening and hung out but not too much -- they stayed long enough to see AJ and Becca and then headed home. 

AJ spent four hours showing houses to Erin and Quinton yesterday. And there is a new store by costco - a restaurant supply store - that we went to in the afternoon. They had hot dogs, chips, ice cream, etc so we got some garbage food and walked around. They had some decent deals and others not so much. I wonder how costco feels about having some competition. haha

Today is superbowl Sunday so we'll have some yummy treats and watch some football. 

My thought for the week...I'm reading several books (as usual!) - and one of them is about getting what you want. It basically says you need to stop being afraid to ask - and just ask!!! 

The five barriers to asking: 
1. Ignorance - we don't know WHAT to ask for. (we don't know what we want). We don't know what options are available. we don't know how to ask. 
2. Limiting and inaccurate beliefs - if you love me you would know what I want (no...tell me!! I can't read your mind!) The answer will be no, why should I ask. If I get this someone else will miss out on something. Getting what I want will make me unhappy. 
3. Fear - worried about rejection, looking stupid, being powerless, humiliation, punishment, abandonment, endless obligation, etc. 
4. Low self-esteem - feeling unworthy, my needs aren't important
5. Pride - don't want to appear needy or weak. We don't want to be judged for not already having it. We should be able to figure things out on our own. 

So figure out what it is you want and then figure out how to ask for it. Ask your heavenly father, ask your companion, ask your mission president, your district leader, ask your family, ask your ward members, friends, people on the street. Whoever can help you. Ask!

Not necessarily a spiritual thought...but a thought nonetheless!

Love you lots and so proud of you for all your hard work and dedication!  
I hope transfers goes well for you!  Can't wait to hear about your week! xoxo Mom

Sunday, February 5, 2023

02/05/23 Good Sunday Morning to ya

 Good Morning! I hope you are doing well and have had a great week!

It's Stake Conference here so I feel a little freedom (no ward council!!!) Although I did have an extra 90 minute meeting yesterday and evening session last yeah. haha

The overall idea I'm getting from yesterday's meetings is that we need to find the one...look for who is in need and help and love them. Love everyone...but find the one. 

Our stake president counselor told a story yesterday that was pretty dramatic. He said that there was a mischievous boy who decided to get a cinder block and tie it to a rope which he then tied to his arm. Then he went up on the freeway overpass and would lower it down and freak out the cars. Just as they were about to get to the cinder block he would raise it up out of the way. 

Obviously people were freaking out and called the police. As the police were approaching things were getting a little chaotic and the boy wasn't paying close attention. 

A large semi truck was approaching but the boy didn't see it in time. He yanked the cinder block as hard and fast as he could but the truck hit the brick and ripped his arm clean off. It was a very awful scene. 

But the police didn't stop and help him. They raced after the semi truck and arrested the driver. 

What? That is so crazy. What did they arrest him for? What did he do wrong????? He was just the victim of this boy. 

They arrested him for...armed robbery. 😜😂

I'm not really sure WHY he told that story!  His lesson went on to tell the story of the lost coin, the lost sheep and the prodigal son -- and how when we lose something we search for it...and when it is returned we celebrate and are so happy. was a good meeting!

Grandpa has been saying for some time that his bed is terrible and he needs a new one. So on Friday night after we had dinner, Dad (Andy) went to work and Gpa (Rod) and I went to the Blvd. We spent about an hour with him laying on beds and trying them out. They had a fancy machine that said what kind of mattress he would likely prefer most. We picked out a few choices but he wasn't ready to purchase just yet. 

I went home and did some research and found a store called The Mattress Store near Costa Vida that seemed promising. 

Saturday morning after pickleball I had dad stop there and I went in and talked to the salesman. He was really nice and they had some better deals than the Blvd. So I texted dad the information. He went over on his own and the manager had found even better deals than he told me about!

Holly came and spent the day and everyone had Costa Vida for dinner and then Gpa and I went back to the Mattress Store. He was able to get an adjustable frame bed, mattress and special cover for about $1300.  That was the price of the mattress only at the blvd. SO that felt like a really nice deal! He will get his new bed on Tuesday. 

This week went really fast for me but looking back I don't know why. There doesn't seem to be anything exciting or different going on. 

I'm working on getting signs for city hall bid out and because they are remodeling our building everyone is in a bit of a mess. But I'm actually mostly all together now. 

All my bosses are going to SLC today - Tuesday night so Monday and Tuesday should be really quiet for me. I've tried to line up auction stuff to pick up and post and help with a water project so I won't be bored. Slow days are torture!  Our assistant court clerk quit so I might be able to help Mindy up there as well...with training or answering phones or something. 

Wednesday night we took the youth to the chapel next to the new Red Cliffs Temple and we had a lecture by the head missionaries there - they told some neat stories about little miracles that happened so far. 

One story is that they needed to dig but all the diggers in town were busy. Some guy said he had an old one in his yard but it needed to be repaired. They repaired the digger and used it for the time needed. When they had shoveled their last bit of dirt, the digger broke down again. 

Another story is that there was a red tailed hawk that has been frequenting the temple. There were some native Indians working and they said the red tailed hawk always goes to sacred grounds. The missionaries explained that the temple was sacred grounds. The hawk has been returning there daily for the project and can often be seen perching on the angel Moroni's horn. Cool, eh? 

So there ya have it. Lots of church stuff this week and not much else. I looked through my pix for the week and there was nothing cool or exciting there either! 

A quiet week is good tho!  No horrors to report. Everyone is healthy. Just doing our day to day thing!

Love you lots and look forward to hearing from you tomorrow. Happy Sunday!❤