Monday, January 30, 2023

01/29/23 Office back & garbage

 Well after almost 5 weeks I got my office back! Yeah!!!! It's been kind of fun wandering around and also kind of un cool as I always felt a bit off, ya know??!

It looks really pretty good. I got it back on Tuesday or Wednesday. Sadly the carpet has some flaws and they are going to have to rip it out and start over again in a few weeks when more carpet arrives. Sigh. 

Stayed busy moving myself and my bosses offices back together. It's funny the different temperaments of the three guys. One was like...yeah...just do it. Put everything back together. The other was like - just get rid of everything (he's getting a new desk next week) and then I'll put it back together next week...basically pack up my mess but that will be it. And the third was like...I got this. You don't need to help. Seriously, leave everything alone. I can do it myself.  (I still did stuff but he protested! haha)

Wednesday we went to Angelica's with B&L and Gpa. It was yummy, as always!  I planned to have us buy for everyone but they got there before us and had already paid for their own (even though I told GPA!!!)

Wednesday night we made spring rolls and wontons with the YW - and they were SO GOOD. So good, in fact, that we're going to do it again tonight for Sunday dinner! I hope they turn out delish again!

Thursday dad didn't feel well and seriously went to bed at like 6 p.m. He had a tummy ache and just was really tired (cause he had an EXPO on Wednesday - the travel show, after working all morning and then a game, after our dinner. LONG day! So Long. And the game was in Cedar City. So even longer! SO we laid down, and then he had to go do some work at 7 p.m. and then as soon as he was done came back to bed and slept all night! What the heck!  That is SO not like us!

Friday when I got to work I was locked out of my new office. Oy! Malfunctioning lock. There were some trash bags along Telegraph road that had been called in and I had put out three different requests for pickup and nobody cleaned them up. So Rachel (a girl from the Power Department) brought a city truck. She drove, and I picked up all the bags. 260 lbs.worth. And we took them to the dump. It was kind of a fun, different day than usual! (hour actually, it didn't take that long!)

We went with GPA to Rumbi's on Friday for our date. AJ came to fast...came late Friday and left Saturday morning. He showed Erin Madison Smith and Quinton some homes out in Central and Enterprise. That boy is crazy! And on his way home he stopped in Nephi to show another couple a house. Poor Becca must never see him. She didn't come this time!

Saturday Wendy was in town so we went to Pork Belly's with Wendy, GPA, B&L, Nick & Kennedy and Alena, Nick (also his birthday) and Annie and Thomas and JackJack. It was fun!

In the evening we went out with our friends Milt and LeAn, Shane and Beth and their son to Benja's Thai. Super nice evening. And then dad had to work and I came home prepared all the stuff for dinner tonight. 

Needless to say that is way too much eating out in a week! haha
But it was fun and it was very social. We usually share so we try to keep costs down. 

Thought for the week: 
There are several little thoughts rumbling around in my head this week. 
One is forgiveness...forgive yourself, forgive others. Yesterday is over and you can't change it. I can say sorry all I want but I can't make it not happen. It did. And it's done. Forgive yourself, forgive others...move on. Make today (and tomorrow) a better experience. 

My friend's husband did some things years ago that were very hurtful. The kids just brought it to her attention this week. They want her to leave him because of something they never told her until now that he did a long time ago. But in the past 10 years he has addressed his mental health issues and has gotten control of his outbursts and bad behaviors. He has made serious strides. And she doesn't want to leave him. She has forgiven him and they continue to work on their forever life. The kids have not. So sad. I hope they will figure out that breaking up a family doesn't change what happened years ago. He did wrong. He's sorry. He's found better ways to act. Can we let him? 

Another random thought: Excellence is a habit

Shelly and Rachel Hess
260 lbs of garbage in the bed of the truck!
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is a habit. You'll never change your life until you change something you do daily. What can you do to change yourself? 

When making a choice...think...if I do this every day will this make me better or worse in XX amount of time. And then choose wisely. 

Another Random thought: the smallest deed is better than the grandest intention. 

Little things matter. Do them. 

Another Random thought: The direction you are going is more important than where you've been. 

Another Random thought: It is better to count your blessings than recount your shortcomings.  Be grateful. Have gratitude!

SO yah, apparently I have ADHD thought brain today! 

I just feel really blessed to have my wonderful family. I'm excited for my lil red girl cupid coming soon!!! And there are so many wonderful things happening in our life. I'm blessed to have you out there serving the Lord! I'm blessed to be getting twins. I'm blessed with a husband that loves me. I hope that I can continue to work toward excellence, forgiveness, gratitude and serving others. Attitude makes a huge difference -- watch for the good in your life and celebrate it. Look forward to the little things. Work hard. Be great!  

Enjoy your time in's going fast and slow, I know! Be sure to savor all the things there that you will likely never see again. What a great opportunity and blessing this is for you. Work on yourself. Help others. Grow. Explore. Live life to the fullest!  We're all here praying for you!!!

xoxo Mom

Jack Jack making faces at me!

Gpa, Wendy and Uncle Ben

Shelly, Andy and baby Tommy

Tommy and Shelly

Sunday, January 22, 2023

01/22/23 Trip to SLC for a baby shower

Becca, Kayla, Marlee, Holly, Shelly

hope you had a great week and you are feeling better. I've been worried about my lil Hermana!!

Marlee (3 weeks from due date)
Kayla (20 weeks from due date)

Been a busy week and I'm still without an office!  (My friend told me this is proof I don't need all the crap I have in my file cabinets and drawers...!!!! -- Maybe she's right?!)

Rachel and family came down last weekend and we had Sunday and Monday dinner with them. The kids are so grown up! Duncan is a senior and tall and has a girl friend. Miranda is a sophomore I believe. Drake and Evie are like 10 and 8. They are all nice kids and it was fun to see them for a little while. 

Our office remodel is coming along. My office is painted but there was a carpet change and so that got delayed. They say they will carpet my office Tuesday this week. So by Thursday I should be able to settle in again. It will be 5 weeks Thursday since I left my office. 

Part of my job is signage in the this new color change means I likely need to order all new signs...or at least at lot of new ones. Interesting when you start a remodel how everything causes something else to need to change. 

Tuesday I spent 3.5 hours in the dentist chair. I had a cavity on top and a cracked tooth on the bottom (didn't even realize).  They worked on me f.o.r.e.v.e.r.  But he did a nice job and I have a beautiful new tooth on the booth and it wasn't even painful. Just long. So long. 

Grandma Suzanne & Aj
She really looks up to him!
I had some pretty major neck and shoulder pain going on the last week or so and headed back to Dr. Allen. Two visits to the chiropractor and I'm feeling so much better! I've been trying to do weight lifting (they say that is good for old people to not get so doughy! haha) but I must be doing something wrong cause I think that's what caused my pain. 

Amazing spread courtesy of 
Kayla and Becca
Stayed super busy at work and didn't really have time to think about the weekend -- Bryce and Marlee wanted me to come up for the shower -- but I told them probably not. Then Becky was like...are you coming?!?!  So Friday afternoon -- after work -- we decided to have me and Holly go up. Dad had to work a game Friday night so if he went we would have had to go late Friday night or early Saturday morning - both kind of terrible considering how cold it is and stuff. 

So Holly and I had a lil road trip together. It was really fun. She programmed funny names in my phone and got new ring tones for people. Then she got out her camera and was taking funky pictures for her class. We talked about life and school and stuff. 

We got into a little weather...which I was not happy said it would be clear! But it wasn't TOO bad!  We met in Nephi to go to a restaurant AJ wanted us to try...only to find it was closed for 10 days for the owners to be on vacation. Oy!  So we found a lil burger joint and ate there. B&M came down too. 

Saturday morning Marlee had a shower and it was really nice. She had about 25 people come maybe?!  and everyone stayed and visited for over an hour...probably almost 2 hours. I got to hang out with Becky and Suzanne and Wendy. 

Beautiful balloon arch
Dallas and Kayla told us what their babies are going to be...they plan to tell you tomorrow!!!! 

Oh, funny story!!! My Dad came with Suzanne to the shower. He didn't really want to go hang with the boys but I walked him over there anyway and sat him down. They were playing the game play 9 -- which I don't think he's played before. They boys taught him how and then HE BEAT THEM!!!! They were know where you get your luck!!!!  SO funny!

Sad side dad asked AJ who he was. 

So I did it. I drove up and back to Provo. I was actually fine both ways. Didn't get sleepy. Which is surprising to me. Don't love it. But I can do it. 

I was listening to my pod cast for come follow me -- I got behind this year so I was listening to the first week of the year. It is about -- We are responsible for our own learning. 

Words of the Prophets:

There is a power in the book which will begin to flow into your lives the moment you begin a serious study of the book. You will find greater power to resist temptation. You will find the power to avoid deception. You will find the power to stay on the strait and narrow path. The scriptures are called “the words of life” (D&C 84:85), and nowhere is that more true than it is of the Book of Mormon.

 I believe it is true -- that we become more inspired as we read the scriptures and listen to the holy ghost -- the still small voice. This week Eme Davis (remember little Emery?) was in an accident at school that required surgery. (I don't know what happened - they never did say). Needless to say it was a tough week for the Davis family. In addition Joy is pregnant again and due in approx 5 weeks I believe. They have Emery, Elsie, a boy and another on the way - so they've grown their family!!!  Anyway, on Friday evening they were having family scripture and prayer. When they were saying the prayer Joy thought, I haven't felt the baby move much. Because there had been so much stress this week she hadn't thought much of it. She felt an urgency to get things checked out. She went to the ER and they found that the baby was in a little distress and they checked her in -- until she delivers...which turns out the inspiration was 100% spot on. She had an emergency c section on Saturday night and her baby has arrived. 

I have also found that when I am praying and reading the scriptures I feel guided to do things that will help me and keep me going the way I need to go. When I am not doing those things I feel a little lost. I need to step up my game so that I can feel the spirit more easily in my life. 

I am thankful that I have you as an example. You are an inspiration to me!!! I love you!

Talk to you soon! Love you!!! mom

Becky Chase & Shelly


DJ in the dino blanket



Marlee, Bryce and DJ

Gpa G and Gpa G the younger
Rod and Eldon
Father and son
Evie, Seth, Rachel, Drake, Duncan, Miranda Johnson
Rachel's Family down for a visit

Pretty sunset on the drive home

Sunday, January 15, 2023

01/15/23 Good Sunday Morning to ya!

 Hello! I hope you are all recovered from your flu and that you managed to not share with your comp!  Are you guys still loving being together!! It's so fun when you click with someone!!!

I'm still displaced from my office remodeling and so that's made for an interesting/different week. Monday Utah Tech dude came and picked up my swag to throw out at last night's game. I had to get it out of the closet in the midst of all the painting etc. Eh. Lucky for me they didn't have that room closed off (they have had it taped shut multiple times I've gone down there!)
Benja and Sandy Casey
Spring Roll Class at Benga's Thai

All my other bosses were kicked out of their offices starting Monday as well. Thad decided to work in council chambers and I didn't see a lot of him throughout the week. Jeremy decided to use the same conference room I was in. So that's been good/bad for both of us all week!  (He said toward the end of the week...I like you and hanging out with you BUT it will sure be nice to have my own space again!!! too!!!!)

Tuesday we had a staff meeting in 1/2 the space usual due to training going on in the PD. It was kinda different and weird to all be squished into a room. 

Dad received a free adjustment letter from Dixie Chiropractic and didn't want/need an adjustment. I decided to go get one to see if I liked the experience better than the chiropractor I've been seeing. The experience was no better/worse than the Dr I've been's like 12 minutes and you're out the door. I had a not in my neck and he made it feel better...I thought. But by Thursday it felt like the pain after our motorcycle wreck. And I've been taking pain meds and pain patches since. Ugh. I have another appointment in 2 weeks but I think I am going to cancel -- hope to resolve this pain on my own -- and move on!
YW having a Christmas Party in January

Yummy Christmas Cookies
Tuesday night we had to coolest Relief Society - we got to go to Benja's Thai and Benja herself thought us to make spring rolls. It was so much fun. And they were so delicious!!!! I told my YW about it and I think we're going to try to make them on our own here at our next individual activity...we'll see!
Ducky BYU Christmas ornament
reminds me of my Hermana Griffin

Wednesday seemed like people were constantly in and out of "our" office and it was impossible to get anything done (kinda been like that all week really!). But I kept my head down and plowed through as best possible. 

We went to Apollo Burger with B&L and GPA after work. Turns out I guess this Saturday was their last day because on Facebook people were saying there was a sign on the door stating it was permanently closed with no explanation. Huh. 

Thursday was interesting...Kerry's retirement party was 11:30 a.m. I had everything ordered a month early since holidays and displaced offices were in my life. I tried Albertson's for something new --- haven't used them before. They made a beautiful delicious cake that everyone loved. When I went to the deli the lady was didn't make your order. This is at 10:45 mind you...45 minutes until the party...where I have 75 people to feed. Oy. Luckily we were able to go to Costco and pick up pinwheel sandwiches and make it seem like nothing had happened. 

The party was a giant success!!! So many people came -- and the food lasted. And Kerry felt appreciated. Dad even came over since he has known Kerry for years. 

Dad had to board op Thursday and Saturday night BYU games because his board op quit and his new ones were busy. Sigh. 

Holly and Erik stopped in and said hi and hung out a little on Thursday and then Holly came back and spent 4 hours with me on Saturday. Saturday she worked on her homework for a little while and we had cinnamon rolls. Then we talked about things we could do to improve the backyard and organize the garage a little. It was seriously the fasted 4 hours!! We were going to get lunch before she left but it was time to go before we realized it!  She and Erik are trying to figure out life and what direction they are going to go. She is of course in school. He's just working FT right now but wants/needs to go back to school or something. His family is struggling with him not being in school right now...which I totally get. I told Holly she needs to work with him and help figure out his path. It's so important!  He would like to be a mechanic but feels like he doesn't have family support for that. I told her they are adults and he has to live with whatever path he chooses so if he wants to be a mechanic and has a passion and enjoys it...he should move forward. Anyway...they gotta figure that out for themselves. 
Jeremy Redd and Kerry Wheelwright
Kerry's Retirement Party

I spent many hours organizing the garage Friday and Saturday and still have more to go. I'm trying to set up our tools so that they are usable and findable really easily. I have been frustrated for some time now that every time we want to do something it takes forever to find the tool to do it. Holly was helping me sort stuff. Now I have to get some containers or something to complete the project. I have off Monday so hopefully, it's going to be done soon!

Last night was the Utah Tech game that I have been putting together for the employees. We had a good turnout. Gpa came with me. I made up 50 treat bags and handed them out to the kids in our section.  I got a picture with me and Gpa. And another with me and the bison.  Dad says it looked like beauty and the beast. haha

This morning I usually have a walk with Linda (she's in Mexcio) and ward council.  Stephanie said she felt like she should go today so -- sweet FREEDOM!  

Tonight we are having dinner with E&D and Rachel and family over at Gpas house. Should be fun. 
Shelly and the Utah Tech Bison

This spiritual thought is more for me than you...I need to try harder, focus on spiritual a little more, use the tools provided!!!
Shelly and Gpa G
Enjoying some basketball together
"As the challenges around us increase, we must commit to do more to qualify for the companionship of the Holy Ghost. Casual prayer won't be enough. Reading a few verses of the scripture won't be enough. Doing the minimum of what the Lord asks of us won't be enough. Hoping that we will have the Atonement work in our lives and that we will perhaps sometimes feel the influence of the Holy Ghost won't be enough. And one great burst of effort won't be enough. Only a steady, ever-increasing effort will allow the Lord to take us to higher ground....
"More is possible spiritually for you and for me. And more is necessary. Set the bar a little higher for yourself. And then set it a little higher. In spiritual things you have a heavenly power lifting you beyond where you are now....
"You can set the bar higher for yourself to get more power of faith to pray for the gift of the Holy Ghost. You can set it higher for yourself to have the scriptures opened so that you will come to know the Savior's voice. You can set it higher for yourself to be obedient in the things He asks of you. And you can set the bar higher in your expectation for peace in this life and your hope, even your assurance of eternal life in the world to come. You can set your expectations for yourself a little higher and then a little higher, with confidence that a loving Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son will send you the Holy Ghost and lift you higher and higher, toward Them."
- Henry B. Eyring,

I look forward to talking to you tomorrow!!!  I hope you had an amazing week and that you and Hermana Sorenson are having the time of your lives!  With your life broken up into little 6 week segments it seems that you can tackle hard things (or cool fun things) a little bit at a time!!!

I am currently trying to lose a couple of pounds and I decided to commit for 5 weeks. 1700 calories (or as close to it as possible daily) and of course all the other little things like: exercise, drink water, avoid crap food. It's helped me to's only 5 weeks. See what you can accomplish in just 5 weeks. You've got this. You can do it!  (I was trying to start during the holidays which helped me not be as naughty as usual, but my true start date was January 9) So tomorrow marks one week -- and it's been a good week. 

If you are working on something hard maybe try that 6 week mindset and see what you can accomplish!  

Well if you made it through to the end...WOW good for you! That was a long one! 
xoxo Mom

Saturday, January 14, 2023

1/8/23 Eliminate the ants in your brain

Sometimes you just get to work
and realize your shoes don't match

 Well we are on a different schedule at 11:30 a.m. Which is good and bad!  The GOOD part is that I have my Sunday mornings back!!!! I got to walk with Linda today and I have time to write to you and I can even maybe make something for dinner tonight before I have to go to my 10 am. meeting. Wahoo!

Bad...won't be much afternoon! And church from 11:30-1:30...feels hard! We'll see!

Well it's been a strange week with having our trip and not starting work until Wednesday. I could seriously get used to doing fun trips and not working more! It's been strange being dislocated at work!!! I've worked in the utility conference room, the main conference room and the recorder's conference room and the back desk in Melodie's office. My favorite is the main conference room but I keep getting ousted because of meetings. 

I have a busy week ahead...Kerry Wheelwright is retiring and I'm doing the party. That is Thursday. I think I got everything lined up before I left. (Ordered lunch and dessert and his gift.) I have to get some decorations and set up the room but hopefully everything will fall into place. 

Saturday is our basketball game at Utah Tech (you know, not Dixie) and I'm having to coordinate that as well. 

Wednesday night is my first activity with my class (all my older girls moved up!). I think I'm going to do a Christmas Party (ours got canceled last year and why not?!)  We'll play some games and eat treats and exchange gifts. It should be fun. Good way to get to know our new girls a little better. 

We played pickleball yesterday with a good group of people. I actually won a couple of games !!! and made it to "King court". I lost after that and won a couple more but didn't make it up to the top court again before we went home. It was fun!  

Last night we had dinner with Milt and LeAyn, Shane and Beth and their adult son Todd and us. At Milt's house. It was really fun. Dad cooked a brisket that Shane bought and we had fancy salad, potatoes, rolls and pies. Yummy Yummy!

Grandpa Laurito just sent me a video for your Christmas/Birthday message. I'll forward that to you!  

This week I've been listening to the book Feel Better Fast and Make it Last by Daniel Amen (What a great last name?!!!!)  If you are frustrated and can't change it this book helps you to have a way to change: 
B - BRAIN - use your brain to rescue your mind and body. When you are nervous, sad, mad, out of control -- know and use emotional rescue techniques to feel better fast. 
Our brains like routine...get out of a rut and get a better routine. 
R - RATIONAL MIND - develop mental discipline.  Eliminate ants from your brain (automatic negative thoughts) -- you are fat, you are ugly, you are stupid...all the rotten things our heads tell us -- he calls them ants.  And one ant at a party isn't a big deal but a whole bunch of ants will ruin a picnic. And your life!  (great analogy!)  Quiet or eliminate the Ants! Focus on gratitude
A - ATTACHMENTS - work on strengthening your relationships so they bring you joy, not distress. 
I - INSPIRATION - know your WHY and have meaning and purpose in your life - you will be happier, healthier and live longer.  Live with passion and purpose and avoid addictions and depression. 
N - NOURISHMENT - Eat to power your brain and you can improve focus, memory and mood. 

X - XFACTOR - Think different.The XFACTOR is the variable that will have the most impact on an outcome. 
L - LOVE - Love yourself and others - do the right thing. 

He has a little chart that shows feel better fast now but NOT later: 
smoking cigarettes, drinking, smoking weed, video games
feel better now AND later: 
exercise, yoga, meditation, prayer, good music

Love you! Hope you and Sis S are having a great time and good success! Happy New Year -- 2023 --  time is flying!

xoxo mom

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

01/04/23 Rose Parade

 It's been a fun busy week here for sure!

My office got repainted (remember the car went through the wall early 2022 and it was redone then)...BUT they don't like it so today (a week later) I came in to find out they are going to repaint it again. Came out too dark they said. Whatever!! haha. This is why I don't remodel! Use it til I'm done and then move on -- that isn't necessarily an easy solution either as you know!

GPA got the flu after family came to visit for Christmas so he stayed home and tried to make sure to not share it any further. Sadly that meant no lunch out on Friday and no New Year's Eve party for him. Poor guy!  But also really nice to save us all from his germs. I think he's feeling better now. Planning to dinner with him tonight. 

Saturday night we went to B&Ls house and had our annual New Year's Eve party -- complete with yummy food, a fun crowd, games and talking. With a toast at the end. Nick and Annie and kids came, B&L and us. Smaller crowd then some years. I was shocked that JAXSON stayed awake til midinight! What?!  He's 4! WOW!  He did good-- and he's a cutie so it was fun to play with him!

Sunday morning bright and early we got up and headed to California. We had about a 6 hour bus ride. There were 38 people total in our group. I was the youngest of the group (the tour guide was younger...but she was paid to be there! haha). 

When we arrived in California we went to the Griffith Observatory and it was clear and beautiful so we got some great views. That's where we talked to you from!  That evening we went to a Mexican Cantina -- Guadalajuara Grill in Baldwin Park, CA. We shared a platter (still cost almost $30!!!!) But it was a very "cultural" experience.  They had a mariachi band -- live music! and it was cool to experience the local restaurant. 

Monday morning we had to be on the bus at 5:30 a.m. to go to the Rose Parade. We had stadium reserved seats and they were on the parade route in a good location - 1530 Colorado Street...or something close to that!)

We went to Maria's Italian Kitchen in Pasadena CA for lunch -- it was also a fun cultural experience with local flare. We were on a time crunch so we couldn't get what we wanted to eat but we got some really yummy food and wished we could go back another time when we could order more of their menu items. We ate with a cute couple we met...Bob and Judy Bolivar. They were originally from CA and he worked at Hughes aircraft...same place Sheryl Rubin Strang used to work...but he said it is a HUGE company and he didn't know her. They live by Tuacahn now and took our number and want to go out with us again sometime. 

After lunch (which we were late and they called us and had a whole bus waiting on us cause our restaurant was slow...oopsy!!! haha) we went to the after party viewing of all the floats...up close and personal. There were so many people there. It was crazy!  Seriously -- and at $20 a head to get in they had to make a killing! GEESH! 
Some of our friends from the bus tour

Just as a side note someone looked up on the internet and the floats are all made of live flowers...they are created just a day or two before the parade (due to freshness issues) and the avg cost per float is $250, heard that right!!!! What the heck! Sometimes I question money and how it is used in our world!

They kept us out all day -- very busy with our parade -- and we got back around 5:30 p.m. Everyone on the bus was pretty worn out!  We decided to order a pizza. They said it would take 30-45 minutes for Golden Crust Pizza, in Baldwin Park, just 1.4 miles from our hotel...1.5 hours...our pizza arrived right close to 7 p.m. Sigh. 
And it was cold. BUT our wings were hot.  Hmmm...luckily we had a microwave and it really was a delicious pizza. But wow what a wait. We were going to invite some of our friends to eat with us but they all did other things. Guess it's good that they did cause that was a really long wait for dinner!

Tuesday morning we had a later start time...8 a.m. -- Rinda and Roland Hunter (from our ward...Lora Madison's parents...did you know that?!  Also, Lora is a twin...did you know that?) bought us egg muffins from McD's -- cause the hotel breakfast was kind of disappointing. What a nice surprise!  

We headed to the Ronald Reagan Museum -- which also houses air force one airplane. It was a really cool impressive museum. We spent about 3 hours there and it was just the right amount of time...although it's true you could spend all day there looking at all the signs and exhibits. It was really inspiring and fun. 

We then started our trip back to Utah. We stopped in Barstow at this cool stop that had an amazing amount of junk for sale!  Like a huge flea market almost. 

In Las Vegas we stopped at a casino and had a buffet. We ate with Roland and Rinda and got to know them a little better. They are a combined family - both their spouses cheated on them so they came with their own sets of kids and meshed families 43 years ago I think he said. Kinda cool. 

We got home about 10:30 and it took til about midnight to get unpacked and to bed. And then I didn't sleep well so bleh!  4:45 came fast and early. Then Julia ditched me so I did spin and an ab workout on my own. Then fell asleep until 7:25 and hurried to work...late!  yikes!  All good since I took about 1/2 dozen calls on my day off!  

Back at it today and still floating around the office hopeful for a place to land until my office is back together again. 

My thought for the week comes from the Reagan museum...he was such a great man. He worked hard and encouraged others to work as well. He didn't believe in welfare and he encouraged the economy to grow and develop. 

Ronald Reagan grew up in Dixon which was a small town. He learned to admire self reliance and energy.  He said almost everyone in that town knew everyone else. And since they knew everyone else they tended to care about everyone else.
Roland and Rinda Hunter

Whatever happens now, I owe my life to God and will try to serve him in every way I can...Ronald Reagan. 

What an inspiration. Imagine if everyone lived their life with that attitude!

Pasadena College
Well I know YOU for one ARE!

Have a great week and know that you are loved!!!

Love you !!! mom