Friday, March 31, 2017

03/31/17 Charlie Harrison's 70th Birthday

This is just too cute not to share. Emmalee Wright and Katie Griffin sat at the kids table with Bryan and Katie Carnevale!!! So tiny and cute these kids!

Monday, March 27, 2017

03/27/17 Dallas' Birthday

Dallas is...22!!!
Enjoyed a family dinner at Brick Oven Pizza -- Monday night is all you can drink free root beer night so extra yummy!!!  The staff brought out some ice cream and sang to the birthday boy.  He generously shared it with McKayla's face (just like at the wedding!!!)  Ahhh...young love!
Happy Birthday Dallas!

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

03/17/17 St Patty's Day...and a puzzle

We made a yummy treat -- I LOVE fudgy bars...but we also have been working as a family on a 1000 piece puzzle Andy got for Christmas.  It was out on the table for a week or two but we finally finished it!  It was so fun to work together and sit and find pieces.  We aren't usually puzzle people but maybe we're all growing up and getting old...cause we enjoyed it!

Sunday, March 19, 2017

03/19/17 St. Patty's Day Family Party at Tonaquint Park

Had a family party at the Tonaquint Park in St. George Saturday afternoon.   Everybody brought their own "dinner" and then something to share.  There was lots of yummy treats - pistachio salad, fudge bars, salad, cookies, chips, etc.  

Laura had a hunt for the kids to find treats and "gold".  Ben and Laura and all their kids and grandkids were there (except Taylor and Kennedy), Gma and Gpa Griffin, Wendy and Aaron (Eddy and Emma came later), Andy and Shelly and girls, Bryce and Marlee, Ben's mom and brother too.  The weather was perfect. It was a fun couple of hours!

Friday, March 17, 2017

03/17/17 Getting to know Grandpa Ray and Grandma Suzanne better

Who was interested in whom first?  Your Dad says I was and I say he was - after all, he tried to kiss me first!! I was living with my Mom in Draper.  I had gone to a big square dance in American Fork.  I was still a novice and when it got to a higher level of dancing the guys started dancing with the girls that were more advanced.  It is called A-1 where girls dance guys parts and guys dance girls parts.  A few of the girls who lost partners told me they were going to the LDS Single Adult Friday Night Dance in Orem and invited me to go.  I declined and they left.  A friend of mine, Gordon, said he was going to go and wanted me to come and dance with him.  I met him there and we danced for a while.  Then your Dad asked me to dance and we danced together the rest of the night. Your Dad went to the Friday night dances in Orem and Provo because they had one every week.  I had only gone to the dance held once a month in Holladay up here in SLC.  After that I went to Friday night dances down there and he started to come to the ones in SLC, too.  After 3 or 4 dances he asked me out and the rest is history!
Who is the most sensitive?  We both agree, I am.  
Who has the worst temper?  I say your Dad does.  He doesn't agree.
Who is the most social?  We both agree, I am.
Who is the hardest worker?  We agree we both are.
Who is the messier?  Well, we have been discussing this one and I think we will take the FIFTH:  We refuse to answer on the grounds it might incriminate us.
Who is the earlier riser?  Hands down, this is your Dad.  I like to sleep in the morning and stay up late at night. 
Who is the best cook?  Your Dad says I am.  One of my New Year's resolutions this year is to cook more of our meals at home.  It was a good start, but I have to work at it a lot harder.  We still eat out a lot.
Who cries more?  I do.  Recently I answered a question in our Spanish class workbook:   "Do you go to the movies often?"  I answered:  "I never go to the movies."  Our teacher said: "Mr. Pasta you must take Mrs. Pasta to see La La Land and Mrs. Pasta you buy the popcorn, okay?"  That same weekend your Dad took me to the movie and I bought the popcorn and drinks with his credit card.  We got to choose where we wanted to sit and we sat in adjustable theater chairs.  What an improvement from the old days.  The movie was full of dancing and singing and tears ran down my cheeks.
Who is the best singer?  We both agree, I am.  I always enjoy the times your Dad sings at Church.
Who is the best driver?  We discussed this question a lot.  We decided your Dad is a great driver and I am his navigation tool watching out the side view mirror on the freeway.
Who is the biggest spender?  I have to agree that I am.  However I recently replaced an electric can opener that we have kept for a few years even though it wouldn't tightly grab the can which sprayed out in the kitchen.
Who is the smarter?  This is a loaded question and I want to know if you and Andy have ever discussed this topic between yourselves without causing World War III!  We agree that we are EACH the smartest in our own specific areas of expertise.  I'll let him handle 
all the income taxes!  I know way more about medical topics.
By the way I was told of your email last night!. That is so great about AJ.  He has worked soooo hard and we are so proud of him.  Glad to hear he has a girlfriend.  Can you tell us any more about June 3rd?  You lucky ducks! That is so great you get to go to Hawaii!
I found out last week Tony and Marissa are having a girl!  Love to you all.

03/15/17 Spring Break

Quick trip to Las Vegas' Tahiti Village for some Spring Break Fun.  Only had 24 hours to get there and back but we made the best of it. Played in the lazy river, the sand box and the big pool.  Ate BBQ at the Lucille's.  In the morning we played some more and then walked a long way on the Las Vegas strip -- from the Caesar Palace to the Venetian and back, and ate at the #1 rated pizzeria - Grimaldi's.

Everybody got along well and played like little kids.  It was a fun little getaway!