Monday, December 19, 2011

12/19/11 Basketball and gassy camp outs


Life here is Washington Utah is pretty much the same as always!
Just finished basketball season for the girls (Katie's team won 1st and she will be getting a plaque with her name on it!!!)  Girls start soccer next week.  Had about 3 weeks off in between I think.   Girls are still keeping busy with girl scouts and piano and achievement days, math club and choir.  They really seem to enjoy school and life in general and being busy and singing and doing their thing.  Seems like one or the other of them is always the shower, while they do chores, whatever.  Very happy little girls!
The boys went on a camp out this weekend.  I guess there was 6 boys and they all slept in a tent.  With one that had gas.  Yummmmmmm....??!!!  Dallas said he slept at the end of the tent on a down hill slope and work up at 4 a.m. with a big pile of Teddy on him.  (the same one with the gas!!!).  Ah...the memories they are creating!  They all find this pretty humerous.  Boys.
The boys are getting closer to earning enough money to go on the band trip next month.  Only 2 more dixie direct books to sell.  I think they'll need to come up with a litltle more money too but they are about there.  Should be fun.  Going to Disney and performing at a school in Las Vegas.  Not sure what else.  I'm sure it will be great.  I have fond memories of band trips from back in the day.
We had 5 girls in YW today and 11 out on Wednesday -- it feels like we are getting somewhere...maybe!  Getting ready to plan youth conference and girls camp and lots of fun stuff!
Life feels like it is on fast forward -- everything just keeps happening so fast.  Seems like every Sunday I come to the computer and I can't believe another week has flown by.  Sounds like from your letters you are also experiencing that!  It's good!!!
Work has been super busy too.  Just barely completed an audit at work in addition to all the other little projects going on.
Our lesson today in church was on covenants.  At the end of our lesson we each got a payday candy bar and the saying "I, the Lord, am bound when ye do what I say; But when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise." D&C 82:10.  Hopefully we can keep our covenants so that we can be blessed.
It is snowing in New Harmony so we may have another Sunday evening at home with no Grandparents.  But if we do, maybe we'll go up tomorrow to see them.  Seems like it's been awhile since we've been up there!
Hard to imagine that you are hot and sweaty all the time while we are having snow and rain and coldness here!  So strange how different our worlds are!
Well I love you and hope you are doing great!  Love mom.

Monday, December 12, 2011

12/12/11 Flu and running out of gas...some days are like that!


Wow I can't believe it is Sunday again.  It has been such a busy week.  Kind of too much week, if you know what I mean!
Dad has been way too busy working on what might be the last issue of the mag if some $$ doesn't get "got" by the guys in charge of making the $$!  He has worked from early in the a.m. (radio show) until late into the night for many days.  So exhausting!
We have also been staying super busy at my work too.  Another Tuesday evening where we handled 68 cases and were at work until after 8 p.m.  After awhile you just feel kind of overwhelmed by it all!
YW is going well.  Had another good turnout (10 girls!!) Wednesday and 5 on Sunday.  Everyone seems to be getting more excited and more involved and it is good to see.  I sometimes am overwhelmed by all there is to do to keep things going but usually a good afternoon nap helps me get over my discouragement!  We are currently getting ready to play ward youth conference and girls camp so a busy summer awaits!
The BAHR family reunion is this summer again and it's Grandma's turn to be in charge.  We are going to capitol reef again so that will be great.  I really like it there. Hope to stay in the same place we stayed last time -- the little 2 bed house place.  Hoping we can get others to stay there too.  We'll see!
Bryce got up this a.m. and got dressed for church and came out in the kitchen and said, Dad, it kinda hurts right here...pointed to his chest area.  Saying his stomache felt a little funny.  Dad's we have any pepto bismal or something. No.  While he's looking for it we hear that dreaded sound...BLAH...Yep.  The flu is back.  But on the bright side, he made the toilet!  Told him to take his clothes off and go back to bed!
Dallas was out working this a.m. and wasn't home yet at 8:45 either (I'm a little worried, since they usually handle sacrament, ya know?!)  He comes home shortly after saying he had gotten stuck out in the rain and his truck ran out of gas.  (The "indicator" light didn't come on... he says!!! We laugh, Dallas, it's an old truck, they don't HAVE indicator just have to look at the gauge!)  Anyway Dave tells him to walk to the next park (about 1 mile) and continue doing his work and he'll bring gas to him.  Dallas said he walked to the park and back before Dave arrived.  In the rain.  Yeah.  Good morning all in all for both boys, no?!
Some days are like that.
Well since Bryce's episode this a.m. we don't get to go to Gma's (they wouldn't want us this way).  So I gotta go make dinner now.  Gonna make some lasagne.  Should be good!
Hope you are doing great and still loving the work.  So proud of you.  Really enjoy reading about your mission.  Such an inspiration.  Keep it up!  Love you !!!! Mom.

Friday, December 9, 2011

12/09/11 Holy Ghost talk given at Fellicity Olsen's baptism

12/9/11 Holy Ghost talk by Shelly given at Fellicity Olsen’s baptism
Holy Ghost

Are you Paying Attention?

Display a picture of a bird and a quarter.

Two men were walking down a busy city street. The one asked the other, "Listen to that bird." "I

don't hear a bird," the other replied. "No, you must listen harder." The second individual listened

very carefully and after a few seconds, he finally heard the bird amongst the hustle of the street.

The first individual asked, "Do you think THEY hear the bird?" The second man looked around at

the rushing pedestrians racing past them. "No, probably not." "Now watch this." The first

gentleman flipped a quarter, allowing it to fall to the ground. Scads of people stopped and looked

for the fallen coin. "Amazing," came the reply of the second man.

How often do we walk through life, with our minds and hearts attuned to the material things of

life? (i.e. worries about money or prestige?) Or perhaps better worded, how often do we listen for

the things of God? Are our ears attuned to hear His voice?


I personally had a similar experience to this on Saturday. I am sure many of you are familiar with

the Washington City Community Center. My little Holly was playing a basketball game down in

the gym and I had gone upstairs to walk the track during the times she wasn't playing. Once I got

up there I tried to get her attention. Katie was with me. The two of us waived our arms. Hollered

her name. Jumped up and down. But the noise was too loud and she never looked up.

Soon after a friend of mine came into the gym. I knew she was looking for me because we had

been texting and she said she might stop by. Again Katie and I waived my arms, yell her her name

and jumped up and down. Again the noise was too loud and she never looked up.


Are we living our lives like we are in a busy gym with so much noise and commotion that we can

only see what is in front of us. We never look up? We never listen for the voice calling our

name? Have we let our lives become so busy and loud with the world's distractions that the holy

ghost can't seem to do anything to get our attention?

As I have gotten older I realize more and more that there are so many things that can keep us from

where we need to be. Loud music, being too busy, failing to do the little things. I recently read a

quote that has stuck with me. It says, if you are too busy to read your scriptures you are busier

than the Lord ever intended you to be.

During my life I have tried to rise early each morning to read my scriptures. I committed again

when the prophet challenged us to read the Book of Mormon a couple of years ago. Once I

completed the challenge and finished the Book of Mormon I decided I would read the Sunday

School lesson each week as my morning reading.

Some days I do quite well. I might read for 30­60 minutes. Other days I might read for just 10

minutes. Or just a verse. And sometimes I don't read at all. I can tell the difference.

It seems that when I spend the time and focus myself in the morning my head is more in the game.

I am calmer and more organized. I have the energy to endure when I take the time to really read

first. I am more attuned to the spirit. I am happier.

I still plow forward at 100 mph but I can focus better and I hear the promptings of the Holy Ghost

better and am more likely to follow them. I have “a­ha” moments when I am guided at at home or

at work to find processes that make my job easier and quicker and allow me more time to focus on

other things.

In June my court was converted to a new computer system at work. This was really tough on me

because I had been on the other system for over 10 years. I knew it inside, outside, upside down. I

could make that computer spit out any bit of information anybody asked for. Quickly too.

Well our new system has really slowed me down and frustrated me. I have had to slow down and

really concentrate to even make simple things happen. I have spent much time and effort trying to

learn and grow and make the new program more efficient.

Just this month I had a great break through. In the past I had a procedure each Tuesday morning

that required me to print and alphabetize all the cases that would be heard on that afternoon and

evenings calendar. It would take about 2.5 hours to prepare the lists of people, print the dockets.

Put them in the folders and prepare them for the Judge.

Then during the day, people would call and cancel or continue their case. I would have to try to

remember to remove those cases. Others would call and ask to be added on. Again, hurry and

print and get them in the proper folder for court. Some nights a dozen people might just not show

up at all. And I would have prepared all those cases for nothing.

It was in my mind very wasteful on the paper and ink side of things not to mention my time. So I

contacted our computer department and spent a couple of hours with them. They were able to help

me come up with a better system where we went paperless. But the 2.5 hours of prep time was

still there. I had to organize the files on the computer instead of in paper. It was still kind of


So I have been praying and reading my scriptures and asking the lord for guidance. About 2 weeks

ago I had the thought to slow down and really study the computer screens at work. I did this and I

found a button that took me to a screen that was partially helpful. And again, I felt I needed to

slow down and try every choice on that page. And then something amazing happened. I found

EXACTLY what I needed in the program we were using.

The need to print is gone. The need to print to another section of the computer is gone. The files

are immediately where they need to be with the touch of a button or removed just as quickly with a

few key strokes. The prep time is GONE. The judge has what he needs in an easy to use format.

And it is pretty quick all the way around.

I honestly feel that this inspiration was a result of my reading my scriptures, praying for guidance,

and listening to the promptings of the spirit.

Heavenly Father knows us better than we know ourselves. He wants to help us and guide us with

the gift of the holy ghost which he gives us at the time of our baptism.

In D&C 11:12­13 it reads:

12 And now, verily, verily, I say unto thee, put your trust in that Spirit which leadeth to do

good—yea, to do justly, to walk humbly, to judge righteously; and this is my Spirit.

13Verily, verily, I say unto you, I will impart unto you of my Spirit, which shall enlighten your

mind, which shall fill your soul with joy;

It is now up to focus and do the things necessary to use the gift of the Holy Ghost which

you will be given today. Listen for the still small voice. And once you hear it, follow it. Don't

question it. Don't ignore it and say you'll do it later. Don't fill your life with things which will

block it completely from you.

Look up and stay in tune to him. He wants to help you.

As we listen to the Holy Ghost, we can tell right from wrong and be strengthened in our resolve

to live righteously. Through the Holy Ghost we may be warned of danger or receive protection.

The Holy Ghost can send comfort and love in times of need and will help us understand sacred


So take the time and make the effort to use and appreciate the gift you have been given.

12/09/11 Holy Ghost speaks to me and funny times at the nursing home


Hey!  So the baptism went really well Wednesday night.  The primary room was pretty packed.  Great turnout. I was pretty impressed with our ward and stake.  

Two Sunday's ago Fellicity came to our house with her Grandma and asked me to give the Holy Ghost talk at her baptism.  I agreed and this past Sunday morning I got up early and prepared my talk.  About 9 a.m. President Whitney, our ward mission leader, called and said that he had received the program and would I give the closing prayer because the talk had been assigned to someone else and the program was printed and I wasn't on it. I said sure (Holly's getting dunked next month so I figured I might need the talk anyway!).  

So I printed out my talk and put it in my church bag and forgot about it.  Wednesday night I went to the baptism and guess who's name was on the program to give the talk...mine!  Imagine if I had not had that talk prepared yet when he called me!  Or if I had left my bag at home.  I felt like I should bring it just in case (the Holy Ghost talking to me!!!) and boy was that right!

I guess it was a good experience to have since I was able to begin my talk with that little story about how I felt like I should bring my talk just in case.

I talked to Sister Campbell, the one Pres. W. said was speaking and she said she was never asked to give the talk and would not have been prepared had her name been on the program!  Crazy, huh?!

So anyway, I included my talk.  I gave it pretty much as printed with a few less details about my work thing that what is in the talk.  It felt like it went really well.  I had a lot of compliments afterward and I felt like I was able to "give" the talk rather than "read" the talk, ya know?  

I thought you might like to have the talk to use at one of your next baptisms.  (parts of it, anyway!)

So I am taking the 21 day challenge -- I'm on day 9 now.  I have had good contact with most of the people on my list and I am hopeful that I will be able to have some success with the girls/ladies on the list.   Arrianna came to the baptism with me and afterward she talked about getting baptized herself and if her brother could be baptized!  I invited her and Nodjilah to come to church Sunday and they both said, definitely maybe!    So I'll keep you posted!  I told the Sister missionaries that we have YW every Wednesday at 7 p.m. and to join us whenever they can so we'll see if they start coming by.

We went to the nursing home this week after the baptism and went from room to room at bedtime caroling to the elderly people.  The girls had made adult sized bibs and we were able to pass those out.  Most of the people's eyes lit up and they were very appreciative and said they could really use one of those.  

One room we went in had 2 old men in it.  The one old guy was a big dude (like Uncle Allen) and he was really happy and nice.  He invited us in but said we better only sing one song 'cause his roomie was trying to go do sleep (grumpy!).  So we finished our song and the little old man lifted up his head off the bed and said in a gruff voice..."NOW GET OUT AND STAY OUT!".  We just smiled and said, sorry...Merry Christmas!!!!  And left.  Funny!

The other roommate actually came out of his room into the hallway and kind of listened as we went to other rooms.

We asked another older lady if we could sing to her and she said, NO PLEASE DON'T.  So we didn't.  Awhile later she was still in the hallway and so I went over to her and rubbed her led and said I have a gift for you.  She said NO PLEASE DON'T.  So I softly put the bib on her legs and said Merry Christmas.   She quietly said back, thank you.  It was very sweet!

So afterward we were all leaving and we loaded up into two vehicles.  My car full of girls was very loud and happy.  I slowly backed up and there was a truck a little ways over that was maneuvering strangely and I was keeping an eye on him and ooopps.  Backed into a Mercedes.  All the girls in the car collectively gasped and then started giggling and teasing me!  I got out and it looked like there wasn't much damage...Mostly just paint exchange.  I couldn't find the owner so I put a sticky note and an apology on their window with my phone #.  So far they haven't called back.  I don't know if they haven't come out of there yet or if they weren't worried about the damage or if they'll call still.  I haven't done anything like that for a jillion years!  

Afterward we went and had ice cream at Arctic Circle and I got the girls home pretty late...almost 9 p.m.  But they all really seemed to have a great time.

Well I should go...I'll probably write some more Sunday, I just wanted to share the baptism with you.  Hope all is well there!  XOXO mom.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

12/04/11 Working for trip money and basketball season starts for the girls


Sunday morning once again!  It's been a long busy week for Dad.  I'm sure he'll tell you all about it.  He finally got some sleep last night so hopefully he'll be able to recuperate from his week quickly!

It's been another quick week here. Seems like the days just fly by.

Wednesday night we had 7 non-members and 3 members come to our activity.  Cool, eh?  AND the sister missionaries were stopping in the building for a potty break and I in

vited them to come hang with us.  They were really cool.  I told them I had 8 non-member girls that I was working with and they were stoked.  They fit right in and did our activity with us for an hour before they had to leave for their next appointment.  They didn't know we had so many non-members and were really excited to hear it.

Holly Dolly
Fellicity and her little sister Sydney are getting baptized Wednesday night this week.  The missionaries have been involved with that and will be back next week for her baptism.  I was asked to give the talk on the Holy Ghost and I just finished writing it this a.m.

Dallas is here.  He says hi. He worked this a.m. from 6 a.m. to 8 a.m. doing bathrooms.  It was really cold.  Came back looking like an eskimo in his big fat jacket.  Burrrrr.  Dave makes him do Sunday morning not Saturday nights now a-days so that kinda stinks!    He had to take a quick shower and head to fast offerings. 

Andy & Shelly
Dallas and Bryce are selling Dixie Direct books trying to earn $450 each to go on a band trip in March to Disney Land.  Cool, eh?  Dr. Hagen hired Dallas and Bryce to remove all leaves that fall off all his trees this season for $150.  Wow! Huh!?  From what I hear, they are going to earn it!  I guess he has a lot of trees!

Dallas seems to really be trying hard and doing well lately so I hope that continues.  He is a super kid with a great big giant heart.  Bryce has really seemed to grow up lately and been kinder gentler.  He jumps up and helps and does a good job and he is very sweet.  It is nice to see them grow up to be such good young men.
Shelly & Katie in Sacrament Meeting

The girls and I had some fun this week.  They sang carols in the mall at the book store for girl scouts and had Christmas Breakfast with Santa Saturday morning.  

Katie and Holly both had their first basketball game of the season and both their teams won.  They both seemed to really enjoy it.  Katie even made 2 baskets.  Holly said nobody would pass her the ball but then what do you expect.  Her team is the first year out for these kids and it is pretty funny basketball really.  They won like 40-8 or something.  So someone on her team can score!

Last Wednesday the YW girls were all bummed out because I told them we were making gingerbread men.  They thought I meant edible, not ornaments.  So I promised them I would make edible gingerbread for Sunday if they'd come to church.  I'll let you know if anybody comes!  I made 13 little gingerbread girls and 1 boy (brother baker) and have them ready to take to church.

Grandma and Grandpa are coming for dinner tonight to our house cause they are going to go see the Messiah in town tonight.  So I gotta go make some dinner and clean up a little.  (Ha, whatever?! -- kids live here!)
I am so glad to hear you are feeling better.  Sounds like that flu kicked your can pretty good for a minute.  Hope that is your one time only!!!!

Keep up the good work and thank you for the great example and inspiration you are to our family.  You are the best!  Love you, mom.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

11/27/11 GINORMOUS box arrives from the Phillippines!


Guess what?! Your GINORMOUS box arrived this week!  We haven't opened it yet because it is for Christmas but it is safe and sound here in our room!  Everybody was WAY excited to see it!  (How much did that cost to send??! -- I think sending you something that size would be over $200, maybe more!)  The little box I sent off last week was $60 and it was WAY smaller than that!  (Katie and Holly want to know if there is b-day presents in there that I need to find before Christmas?)

So things are good here.  Thanksgiving was beautiful.  The weather was up above 60 degrees and Jared and Family, Nick and Bree, Ben and Laura, Grandma & Gpa and our family ate at Aunt Laura's.  Everything was delicious.  The crowd wasn't too big -- we all fit on a long table or two in the back yard with the little boys at a smaller table.  It was nice.  We were down quite a few with Wendy and Eddy, Austin and family, and the whole Griffin crew not there.

Holly is turning 8 in about 2 weeks and she is super excited.  She can't get dunked until January 7 due to the Holiday season.  She just missed the December dunks and the January dunks are put off a week due to the new year.  But she is very happy to be getting baptized.  I think that will put her in Senior primary too.  Can you believe that???  All our kids are growing up!

Katie's birthday is the last day of school this year so she is super siked too.  Usually her birthday falls AFTER the break and she doesn't get to celebrate with her friends.  So we'll have to take treats to both classes this year -- on their birthdays!!!  Yeah!!!

Dallas and Bryce are already off to church getting the sacrament ready.  We played games last night and the night before and have had a nice time hanging with them.  I can't believe how grown up everybody is getting.
Are you still sick?  Holly is very concerned.  We have been praying for your speedy recovery and hoping you are back to yourself.  Are you wearing your mosquito repellant?  Do we need to get you some more?  You aren't super man you know!! Gotta take care of yourself!

I am teaching a lesson today in YW about loving yourself.  It is a good lesson.  I never really thought about loving myself as being something we should do.  Love your neighbor, as yourself...I always took that to mean I need to love others more.  This lessson talks about loving your neighbor, as WELL as yourself.  It says you can't really serve others until you love yourself.  If you are always beating yourself up and putting yourself down you are wasting precious time and energy belittling yourself and making yourself depressed you aren't helping others.  It kind of says to love yourself and extend yourself to others to help yourself grow and there will be more of you to love in the process.  Anyway it is a good lesson and I think I needed to read it for myself and others in my life.  Try to lift up some people around me that are struggling with their self worth.

So we got a 21 day plan today from our ward mission leader.  We write down some names and spend the next 21 days praying for them and reading some scriptures and they have promised us that someone will be touched by the spirit of our efforts.  So I will start that pretty quick. Our presidency already had a fast last month for our girls (inactive, nonmembers) and I will copy this and give it to my leaders and work on this with our presidency.

Time for church.  Gotta run.  XOXO mom.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

11/20/11 Dengue fever and MONO...sick boys!


Are you feeling better after your bought with the Dengue Fever? I hope so!  We figured you were probably all back to yourself at this point!

Dallas has MONO so we were able to think about you while we have been trying to take care of him.  His tonsils are HUGE (I may have told you that last week).  They may have gone down a little bit but they are seriously still monster tonsils as of yesterday.  The DR said MONO is a virus so he just has to get over it.  He gave him some steroids to shrink the tonsil (like I said this is about 6 days in on the meds and they aren't really shrunk at this point) and some pain reliever (tylenol with codeine) to help him fight the pain and get some sleep.  So far he's still gone to school and "functioned" but he seems tired and not quite himself.
Dave commented that Dallas was kind of being lazy last week and he was surprised -- I told him he had Mono and he was like, OH, well that makes sense. So I told Dallas that if he is feeling sick enough to not work a decent shift he needs to tell his boss and go home, not pretend he's busy or whatever!

Dallas has just 2 more days of school and then several off so I am hoping he can get through that school and then we can keep him doped up all weekend and get him better.  They says it takes 4 weeks or more though so that may be optimistic.  Not sure how bad a case he has -- cause they say some people never even realized they have it.

I had it in college and it kicked my butt for about 4 or 6 weeks if I remember correctly.

So yesterday I went with the missionaries on a discussion with Fellicity.  It was kind of awkward!  Fellicity is pretty quiet anyway.  I got there before the missionaries and hung out with her and her sister and her Dad for a few minutes.  Then the Sisters got there and her Dad took off.  (Her mom already had disappeared).  They kept asking Fellicity stuff and she would just answer "great" or "uh huh" or whatever.  It was almost painful at times!  She is getting baptized in 2 weeks I guess (Dec 7) but I still don't know the details.  I tried to ask her about putting the mtg together for her and she acted strange so I am backing off.  I called her Grandma and told her to let me know how I can help and offered up the YW for whatever and will just wait and see what they want!  She acted like she didn't want the YW there at all.  Oh well.  I am sure it will work out fine.  Anyway, I am proud of you for going and doing that every day because it isn't easy!

This last week was Stake Conference and early out for the kid at school so it has been kind of winding down a little.  Next week most activities have been cancelled due to Thanksgiving.  It will be nice to have a "slow" week!  Things pick right back up the next week but we'll have the kids home a lot this week.  No piano, achievement days, YW, after school activities.  The only thing we do have that I know of is Monday Holly has her first basketball practice.  Games start in 2 weeks.

The girls went to my friend's house Friday night while I had presidency meeting.  They had a "girls night out" and came back with their hair in rollers and their nails done glittery.  They looked really cute Saturday.  Hopefully we can send you a pix of them.  I rolled their hair again last night so they'll be dolled up for church today.  Then we have to give back the rollers Monday.  I may go buy some.  They are really easy and quick and the girls seem to like them.  She put a shower cap over their heads to keep the rollers in and it worked.  (I was always frustrated with those in the past cause they'd wake up with curlers all over the bed and "dead" spots on their do!)

We really need to get your Christmas Package sent off in the next day or two. Please give us a list of some fun things you miss...seriously...!!!  Also do you need some more shoes?  It would be no big deal to include shoes and stuff your presents around the shoes so if you do now is the time to speak up.  Please tell me either way ok.  Say yes mama or no mama on the shoes.  Like the good 'ol days!

I feel really good about our YW planning meeting we had this week.  It was 2 hours long (kinda long!!!) but we planned the whole 2012 year.  We got themes for each month. Activity ideas for almost every week of the year. A challenge for the girls to read the BOM.  Plans to attend the temple to kick of the BOM reading.  Also a temple trek in the Spring.  We are going to try to get our non-attending girls in charge of playing piano and conducting.  Have the different groups involved with a thought each meeting and stuff.  I am hoping to really see some better turn out this year.  It feels good to at least have a plan in place.  That's driven me nuts all year.  I would tell the ladies I wanted to have a meeting to get everything down for the year and we'd plan like 6 weeks ahead and then they'd have to leave or whatever.  This time we just gott'er done!  We will of course have to change things around but at least we have some excellent ideas in place!  (My BOM thing will either get us some girls baptized or maybe all the non-members will quit coming too cause they won't want to deal with all the religious stuff!!!) I hope not!

Well it's time to get ready for church.  We are going to have spaghetti and meatballs for dinner so I need to make some meatballs.  Today is BYC but both the YW texted me that they are sick.  Dallas is sick.  Byron is sick (not sure if he is the Pres of the YM but it seems like he might be -- he has strep).  May be just Bishop and me and Bro Campbell!

Love you lots and can't wait to hear from you.  Hope you are all better.  Being sick is annoying!  Love you!!!!! 

 XOXO Mom.