Sunday, July 31, 2011

7/31/11 Dallas' talk on the Pioneer Trek


Hi, My name is Dallas Griffin. I was asked to talk about my experience on the Pioneer Trek.

I trekked for James Briggs. James Briggs was 11 years old at the time he immigrated to Utah. I

would like to tell you a little about James. His family saved for 16 years to be able to afford to

come to Utah. In May of 1956 his family sailed on the ship “Horizon”. His family included his

mother and father and 7 children from ages 19 down to 8 months old.

James and his family traveled from Boston to Iowa where they spent three weeks making

handcarts, sewing tents and doing other preparation for the trek.

James and his older siblings took turns pushing and pulling the handcarts. They also took turns

carrying their baby sister Emma. They sometimes carried her under their clothing to keep her


Crossing the North Platte River on October 19 was very difficult. May people became ill and

weak due to exposure to the cold river . Rescuers found James' family on October 28 and helped

them through Devil's Gate where another bad storm stopped them again.

On November 3, James mother awoke to find James' father had died during the night.

The ground was frozen so bad they had a difficult time burying his father along with the others

who had died. Just three weeks later James' brother Thomas died on November 11 – the same day

Ephraim Hanks arrived with much needed Buffalo meat.

On November 29, the day before the family arrived in Salt Lake City, his sister Mary died.

Things continued to be difficult for the James' family even after arrived in SLC. James mother

remarried and had a baby who died at the age of two. Just two months after the baby died his

mother was stung on the neck by a scorpion at night and died.

James had many hardships in his life but continued to be faithful and attained the office of seventy

in the Priesthood.

As I trekked I thought about James and all the other faithful members of the Church. Our trek was

difficult for us but compared to what the saints endured it was rather easy.

I would like to tell you a little about our trek experience. I was put into Lee and Patti Tippetts

family. We had 5 sisters and 3 other brothers and an Auntie. When we got there I didn't know the

kids very well. It didn't take long for all of us to become friends.

On the first day we trekked about 8 miles. We all took turns pulling and pushing the handcart. It

was pretty difficult to trek for that long. Toward the end of the day we were told about one sister

who felt she could not endure another minute of trekking. She sat down on a rock and cried. Her

family had to leave her. One of her daughters stayed behind with her mother trying to coax her

along. She found some food that was left along the trail and took it to her mother. It was what she

needed to lift her spirits and continue on the trek. They caught up with the family and she

continued on to Salt Lake City. To simulate that story our families found costco apple pies on the

trail late in the afternoon. We didn't have napkins, silverware or anything to dish the pies with but

we all we able to get a handful of pie and it sure tasted good.

That night they had a great idea. A dance after we trekked 8 miles. It was fun even though our feet

hurt. I got to dance with a really cute Auntie. We did the Virginia Reel.

We had a fireside in the evening with our family and then we went to bed. There were no


The next morning we got up to loud noises and a message that our oxen were all gone. We were

sent out as a family to find the oxen. We had a morning devotional but no luck finding the oxen.

Because no families found the oxen our handcarts were loaded with our all of our tents and

sleeping bags that would have been in the wagons making the handcarts over flowing with gear.

We had to trek that way for awhile. This made it heavier and we dreaded the day ahead with all

the gear.

A short time later they stopped and told us about the saints losing their oxen and having to carry

100 lbs extra and we were able to understand their pain. They let us unload all the gear and put it

in trucks so that we didn't have to cart it all day long.

Later we stopped in Wyoming at a fort to buy some provisions. When we got there we didn't have

enough money to get a whole lot of food so we were still hungry. Then they told us that it was

time to keep moving. When everyone was ready to go and started moving they stopped us. They

told us about Fort Laramie and then gave us lunch. We were so thankful for lunch that day.

We trekked a while to what was supposed to be a bridge crossing. It was steep and difficult,

probably the hardest part of the trek. When we got there we were told there was a toll. None of us

had enough money to cross the bridge so we had to go back and cross the river at another point

without a bridge. Shortly after there was an announcement that the men were needed to serve in

the war. All the men left and all the women were required to pull the handcarts without the

assistance of the men.

The men went up the hill and had a devotional and then we had to watch the women come up the

hill. It was really hard to watch the women struggle up the hill. We weren't allowed to help until

they were up the hardest part of the hill. It helped us to appreciate women more. Both the

devotional and watching how strong the women are.

We had dinner and a testimony meeting and went to bed. Again, there were no complaints.

The last day we were told the story of Ephraim Hanks who brought much needed Buffalo meat to

the pioneers.

There were so many mini devotionals along the way it is hard to remember them all. I learned a

lot. It was fun. But I wouldn't do it again.

I quickly gained 10 new friends and we quickly learned to work together.

Bear Testimony...

07/31/11 Camping at SUU and Holly sprays Katie awake


Well it's the fifth Sunday so Dad had to go in at 7 a.m. but I get the morning off!!! So I made strudel cake for breakfast and kailua pork and rolls for dinner.  I sure like having the morning off!!!

Dallas has to talk today in church.  On the pioneer trek.  Lucky kid.  I attached his talk if you are interested.  I think he'll do fine.   He said he might even wear his pioneer outfit...we'll see.

Time is starts in just a couple short weeks now.  Bryce is almost done his summer ag program.  I think Monday and Tuesday next week might be it.

Holly has her first ever camp out next week.  Katie's second or third...can't remember.  Anyway we are going up Cedar Mountain and staying at the SUU lodge (wussy camping...indoor on the floor of the lodge).  It'll be fun though.

The kids are kind of full of it today.  Holly woke up early and helped me with the baking and then she took a spray bottle and woke up Katie 'cause she was bored.  Hmmmm....well you can imagine how that went!  Needless to say there is a little bedlam in the house right now.

Kind of a quiet week for church.  Only had 1 or 2 girls in church last Sunday and cancelled Wednesday because Friday was the Temple trip.  Only ended up having Nikki Turner to that so she went with the boys.  So I guess I've kinda had the week off.  It was nice!  Been trying to reconnect with my girlies cause I feel like I've been so tired or busy lately that they aren't getting enough of me!  Friday afternoon we took the play-doh toys and made cookies and decorated them.  Personally I think they are yucky but the girls sure had fun doing it.  And they are almost gone so somebody's eating them.

Bryce wants me to cut his I guess I better run.

I can't wait to hear all about your companion...etc!!!!  We were so hopeful to get some news on the website from your mission mama....and there was a nice pix of you...but NO NEWS!!!!!  Aaaaahhhhh well.  You looked happy and well!!! That's always good!

Take care. Love you lots!!! mom.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

07/24/11 Park City Vacation

Shelly, Dallas, Bryce, Katie, Holly
Andy & Katie - she's not too excited about riding up on the lift!
Hi kiddo! Got a new comp yet...or is that happening in a day or two?  So sad to change when you find something that is working and you like!  Oh well, one thing that is true about never stays the same.  And sometimes that is good, and sometimes that is bad.  Hopefully that is good for you!

Cutie Holly Dolly!
We had a really nice week in Park City.  We got a condo that had a room for the boys, the girls and the parents.  Nice!  We all had a little space so we didn't feel so cramped!  We were on the second floor and then our unit had upstairs and downstairs.  The condo had 2 pools and 2 hot tubs just across the street.  We were able to do a couple of fun things.  We took a ski lift up from our place to another area of town.  From there we rode a gondola (enclosed ski lift) up to the top of the mountain.  Once there we had a picnic lunch (pre-packed) and then did a frisbee golf course.  We brought 6 frisbees from Walmart (only went home with 4) and there was a golf course set up.  You tried to throw your frisbee to each hole and get the smallest score.  It was pretty fun.  We let dad win so he'd buy us all slurpees (winner buys slurpees) -- so he was pretty happy too!  It was pretty close.  The wood were pretty deep up there and so 2 of our frisbees got into an area and never found again.  Oh well.  Thank goodness we hadn't gotten them from the park city people or we'd have lost our deposit!

We spent the afternoon at the pool and got everybody pretty played out and then headed over to the strip mall.  It has gotten quite a bit bigger!!!  We walked the whole mall -- and I swear there is 2x more stores than last time we went.  There was a whole different area behind the main stores that were there last time I remember going.  Needless to say we got in a really good walk!  The boys all got new sneakers and the girls got new park city shirts.

Friday we went to the Olympic park.  That is also new since our last visit.  There was a museum and some cool ski jumping into a huge pool.  That was really fun to watch.  We then were able to take ski lifts up the mountain and go down the alpine slide.  That was pretty fun but not as fun as I remember and quite a bit more $ than I remembered.  Oh well!

Dallas doing stunts with Holly
Becky and Ruth and Grandpa came over and dad BBQ'd for everyone. Grandpa's birthday was July 23 -- so we were able to celebrate his birthday and get together.  We bought him a porch swing (all of us together) so we gave him that and wished him a happy birthday.

The trip seemed to end all too quickly.  On Saturday morning we had to be out of our place.  We went to Heber City and bought donut dogs (remember those?!) and then headed to Lehi for the Bahr Family Reunion.  We ate lunch and the kids played baseball and basketball while the grownups told all about what the families had done the past year.  They had their yearly raffle and that was about it.  Pretty uneventful.  Grandma Griffin is in charge next year and says it will be more exciting.  Maybe back at Capitol Reef or somewhere fun.

Nice job!
We took the scenic route to Park City (picking Bryce up in Circleville and traveling on the east side of the state) and then the scenic drive down from Lehi to Nephi traveling down the west side of Utah lake.  All in all it was pretty pleasant and nice to get away from everything and spend some time with the family.
We stayed up late playing games each night with the boys and that was fun too.  (I missed the first night, too tired...but the 2 and 3 night I stayed up)

Holly & Katie at the outlet mall in Park City
There is a new BBQ joint in Cedar City and Gma and pa met us there -- we were both traveling down at the same time.  That was nice.

Tonight we are heading to Laura's in just a few minutes for a 24th of July dinner complete with sloppy joes and family.   Should be fun.  We have nothing planned for tomorrow which is just what we need!
I need to figure out a way to get things rolling at church again.  We had 2 in YW today (and one is a visitor for the summer).  So sad!  I hope it is just vacation time but attendance has been rather lame lately!  We are doing baptism's on Friday night...and I'm hoping I can find more than 2 member girls to go to that!  Not looking good at the moment!

Oh well, just keep plugging away!

I hope you are having success and your new comp is awesome!  Funny, people keep asking how long you've been out and they are amazed that it's been 9 months already.  Brother Jones asked today if you were still in the MTC...ha!

Shelly & Holly at Olympic Park
Jared Turner gave his farewell today and is heading out next week we think.  Him and his Grandpa spoke.  He sure looks different with short short hair!

Love you lots and hope you are doing great!  Love your pictures and inspiring words!  Love mom.

Andy & Katie

Saturday, July 16, 2011

7/16/11 Pioneer Trek

Pioneer Bryce
Survived pioneer trek!  It was a really great experience.  I wasn't assigned to a family so when I went I didn't really know where I would fit into everything.  The first little while I kind of hopped around from one group to the next but the family that Dallas was in was the most welcoming and so I decided to be their "Aunt Shelly" or Aunt Mmmmm (because I brought a TON of M&M's and shared them with everyone).  Needless to say I was pretty popular as the m's lasted most of the trek!

The people that organized the trek did an amazing job.  We had devotionals each morning with our family.  We learned about a dozen different people and their stories within our families.  There was stops all along the way where additional pioneer stories were shared along with songs.  There were many times during the trek where people would be brought to tears as they shared or heard of the experiences of the pioneers.  There were white flags all along the trek signifying people who died trying to get to Utah.

The youth as a whole were extremely pleasant to be around and the boys were really nice to the girls.  The boys had all the girls go before them in the meal line to get food first.

The kids all sat as families (there were about a dozen families total) and it was amazing how close they got within a couple of days.  I was really impressed at how they looked out for one another and pitched in and took care of whatever needed done.  Pulling the handcart was not easy but they kids did it with little complaint.  Many of the families sang and giggled all along the way.  We trekked 8 miles the first day, 6.5 the second and 3 today.  Yesterday was the hardest day for me because I was sore and tired from the first day and then we went a pretty long way.

No make-up pioneer selfie

Bryce's family

Annie and Aunt Shelly

There was pioneer games and good food and a really neat testimony meeting.

The testimony meeting was done as a stake and the kids were seriously racing to get up and get their turn.  It lasted almost 2 hours and Pres. Koeven had to get up and stop it or it probably would have gone on much longer.  The adults were asked not to get up ... so that was ALL KIDS!!!!  It was pretty neat to hear them testify of their love of Christ and how they had grown from the experience that they had.

Dallas seemed to really enjoy having his Aunt Shelly around.  It was kind of funny because we didn't say anything about being related and after a full day of doing stuff something was said that made it known that I was his mother.  One of the girls was like, WHAT????  You're his MOTHER??? No way...and on and on.  She's like you don't look like him and you don't look old enough to be his mom.  She was freaked out for awhile.  Made me laugh!

Annie and Aunt Shelly
Bryce said he was jealous I wasn't in his group -- I tried to go over quite a bit but I guess it wasn't quite enough.  He seemed to really enjoy his family and I think he had a pretty fun experience too. Both he and Dallas bore their testimony Friday night.  Bryce got in line and 4 people got in front of him (there was buckets lined up and then kids sitting on the ground waiting and somehow a group got the buckets before he could get up or something...not exactly sure. )  Then another group of 4 got in front of him.  He continued patiently waiting and then it was finally his turn and he started to stand up and Pres. Koeven stood up behind him and took the mike (to tell people to try to stay focused on actually giving testimonies and not unrelated stories and to keep it short 'cause the line was HUGE to give your testimony).  So Bryce is thinking that he isn't going to get a turn and I guess is a little bit agitated.  Pres. Koeven gives the mike back to him and he says, "I'm not gonna lie, I was thinking about punching you!"  Aaaahhhh!!!!  Everybody laughs and I just shake my head. 
Today I'm Aunt Shelly, not mom
 Only Bryce tells the Stake Presidency he's thinking of punching them!  So that was mentioned several times throughout the rest of the meeting.  Bryce says he apologized to him afterward and I also apologized for Bryce. 

 Funny kid that one!

Well I hope you had a great week and I can't wait to hear about it.  I imagine once my head hits the pillow I should sleep like a baby!

Love you, Mom.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

07/10/11 Dixie Rebel Championship Football game and girls night

It is almost a rainy day.  Overcast and I guess it sprinkled while we were in our morning meeting.  Thunder and lightening.  Muggy.  Not at all typical!  Kind of nice for a change!

Another busy week has flown by so quickly I can hardly remember it!  We are getting ready to go to youth conference pioneer trek this Thursday.  Got our buckets covered with cushions so we can have a seat while out on the trek.  (Did you ever go on a trek?  I don't remember you going but dad says he thinks you did.  If you did tell us about it.)

Last night the boys went to the final Dixie Rebel Championship football game while the girls stayed home and had girls night.  We went and looked for a new vacuum because ours wasn't sucking...which sucked!  Haha.  Anyway the cheapest I could find for what would work was $100 and I just couldn't spend $100...yet.  So I bought a $11 filter combo for our old vacuum and figured I would give it one last try.  Dang if that thing did cough up a HUGE fir ball and start working!  Magic!  SO after the vacuum was fixed the girls bathed and got their hair braided and nails painted and we read a book out loud together and played UNO spin.  It was a nice night.  I'm sure Dad will fill you in on the football game.   I think the boys had fun too.

We reserved a condo in Park City the week after the pioneer trek.  It is in the complex we stayed at a jillion years ago...when Jonny was a baby and cried all night and kept us up!  Oh, the good ol days.  The unit we are getting has 2 bedrooms and a loft and a kitchen and living room. 3 TV's with cd/dvd players on them and pool and volleyball and stuff. It is real close to town so we'll probably go to the outlet malls and the alpine slide and main street park city.  Who knows what else.  Should be fun. We'll go Wed, Thur and Fri night and then to the Bahr Family reunion on the way home.  We had talked about staying at Laurito's but decided it would be more enjoyable for everyone if we had our own space.  G-pa actually sounded super bummed out when I told him.  Surprised me.  I guess that's good he still likes us...our at least ACTS like he does!   I would have thought he'd be relieved not to have all the noise and commotion about.  I invited him to come up and spend some time in PC with us though.

I have been reading the story of the pioneers coming to Utah and it really is humbling to read of all the struggles they endured.  It makes me think of you and all the things you must overcome to serve the Lord.  It really is amazing the faith and determination that people have.  We watched the movie the 17 Miracles a week or two ago and it also brought to mind all the sacrifices people made to build up zion.

Our pioneer trek was supposed to be about 21 miles but we got a peek at the route and I think it is going to be 8 miles day 1, 6 miles day 2 and 3 miles day 3.  So a little less than originally planned.  I don't know how hilly it will be but the actual milage doesn't sound bad at all.

I hope you are doing well and that your new shoes will hold you over for awhile.  I finally got your package mailed this week so by your birthday you should have new shoes.  They are really nice and sturdy!  (And there is chili in each one (wrapped in plastic of course)) so they will be EXTRA appreciated by you!

Take care of yourself.  Hopefully you've enjoyed a day sightseeing.  Are transfers really soon?  There was a pix or two of you up on the mission mama's sight recently and a picture of Elder Weaver's shoes...they looked pretty bad.  I hope yours aren't that bad.  But now I can see why you keep saying yours are fine...they were probably WAY better than his?!

Love you lots! Mom

Sunday, July 3, 2011

07/03/11 High adventure camp for the boys

Hi Kiddo!
Well the summer has officially arrived here.  I think it was around 110 yesterday.  That is really toasty.  Even at the pool, wet...I was HOT!  It was 97 degrees at 10 p.m. last night.  Yeah, this is the dog days of summer.  Time to hit the mountains or something to get out of this heat!  Or just stay indoors.
Seems like time is on turbo boost speed these days.  Work has been super busy.  The 2nd week with my new system wasn't too bad. I was a little frustrated one day this week (mostly because the help desk was giving me stupid answers to my questions).  I called and got the right answer from another clerk and things are looking up.  The cops seem to be writing lots of tickets to keep the phones ringing off the hook.  I'll have a total next week when I run my monthly report.  It will be interesting to see if it just FEELS busy or if it really IS busy!
We have our box ready to go and I think we will send it out Tuesday.  It is pretty jammed full.  We were waiting for Dad's magazine but I don't think they'll have it ready too soon so I think we are going to send it separately another time.  We'll see.
The boys are getting ready to go to High Adventure Camp this Tuesday - Thursday.  Sounds pretty awesome.  They are going to do repelling and cliff diving - rock climbing stuff.  They will be camping up Beaver Mountain I think.  And then they are going to Marysvale and doing to do some white water rafting and hiking.  I wanna go!  They are excited.  The next week is youth conference, and the following week Bryce is going on a 3 day trip with school to Escalante and Cove Fort and I can't remember where else.  Then we want to take a 3 or 4 day family vacation the day he comes back.  Busy busy.  
Dallas is working hard.  Yesterday he did trash for 3 hours in the a.m. and p.m.  In the heat.  He was pretty tired by bed time last night.  It's good for him!  He needs to find a way to earn a little more money ('cause he likes to spend money) but with all the activities going on I don't know when he would!)
Dallas is on some medication for his face that is pretty toxic.  He is supposed to stay out of the sun (with his job?!).  So he is covering himself in sunsreen.  This medication dries him out really bad so he's had chapped lips and bloody noses and stuff. Supposedly though if he can stand this torture for 5-8 months then he'll never have acne problems again.  He made it through month 1 and we just started month 2.  So far, so good.  He is hoping he can return to school with a clear complexion in the fall.  Me too!  
Katie and Holly just completed their swimming lessons and are a little stir crazy.  But they are keeping busy.  The library has a summer series so we've been trying to get them to that each week.  Girl scouts still meets every other week too.  I am trying to get them to still practice piano and read and stuff...but that's hard since I'm not around to get after them!
Dad is staying super busy with the magazine and the kids and the radio show.  
I think all in all everyone is healthy and happy here.  We miss you and love you!
Oh, this is kinda funny and cute.  So last night Holly said the dinner prayer and mentioned all the sick people and bless the food and have a nice day etc.  And said Amen.  And of course all of us are like, you forgot AJ.  And she's like....oh sorry, I have a lot on my mind!  (WHAT?! She's 7?!)  So she quickly amended to bless and watch over AJ and we went on with the meal...but it was kind of funny!!!

Dad's at bishopric meeting and I'm getting lunch ready and the kids are all still sleeping.  A nice quiet time of the day here!  I feel blessed to have you serving the Lord and being an example to us.  You really have helped me to have a better attitude and work harder myself.  I can feel the blessings of heavenly father on our family too.  Thank you for your service and your example.  I hope it is mostly good with just a little tough times in there -- I think you sometimes hold back and don't tell us everything!?  Yeah?  Well we are so proud of you and thankful for your efforts.  I hope your brothers and sisters will follow in your footsteps --  you have definitely cleared a good path to follow!!

Love you lots. Mom.