Ca va!
I am really enjoying being here in Honfleur. Everything seems to go quicker and smoother and Colette doesn't flip out!
This morning I went for a 1.5 mi walk shopping for gifts for when I go home. I found a cute little picture frame with a saying on it in French on how to make a good day . It was 60F. I really like it.
There is a place down the street to get cidre for 3F50. I want to get 3 or 4 bottles but I'm afraid they'll be too heavy to carry home.
After my shopping excursion we went for lunch at AuOars Normand. We ate lunch for 2 hours. It was 435 F which is close to $70!
I ate poisson du filet with Normandie sauce. It was great. Also vegetables and french fries and apple cider and an apple tart. No I am not losing weight this way - just passing time.
After pigging out we went to the beach and exposed our flab! Colette changed clothes right on the beach. not me. I found a scummy smelly toilet room and changed. It is true most people don't wear tops and if they do they are so tiny they might as well not!It was nice. We spent about 3 hours on the beach. Don't know what we are doing this evening. I imagine just watching TV and eating. Possibly go for a walk.
Eat day brings me closer to getting out of this country. I can't wait. I just don't know what to bring back for everybody.
Well enough - I watched a German talking movie translated to French - still no English!
I am really enjoying being here in Honfleur. Everything seems to go quicker and smoother and Colette doesn't flip out!
This morning I went for a 1.5 mi walk shopping for gifts for when I go home. I found a cute little picture frame with a saying on it in French on how to make a good day . It was 60F. I really like it.
There is a place down the street to get cidre for 3F50. I want to get 3 or 4 bottles but I'm afraid they'll be too heavy to carry home.
After my shopping excursion we went for lunch at AuOars Normand. We ate lunch for 2 hours. It was 435 F which is close to $70!
I ate poisson du filet with Normandie sauce. It was great. Also vegetables and french fries and apple cider and an apple tart. No I am not losing weight this way - just passing time.
After pigging out we went to the beach and exposed our flab! Colette changed clothes right on the beach. not me. I found a scummy smelly toilet room and changed. It is true most people don't wear tops and if they do they are so tiny they might as well not!It was nice. We spent about 3 hours on the beach. Don't know what we are doing this evening. I imagine just watching TV and eating. Possibly go for a walk.
Eat day brings me closer to getting out of this country. I can't wait. I just don't know what to bring back for everybody.
Well enough - I watched a German talking movie translated to French - still no English!
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