Saturday, August 23, 1986

08/22/86 Samedi (Saturday)

Left L'aigle this morning at 8:15.  Everybody was real exhausted from last night but we managed.  We stayed together until lunch at Burger King at around 1.  Then we all split up until 5:30.

Good thing because everyone was really irritable and no one could decide what to do.

Tonya and I wondered around Paris and I bought a sweatshirt and she got a statue.

After we bought a big bag of cookies and coke and we fed the pigeons for an hour.

Everyone met up and we set off for the train.  It was so insane it was almost funny.  Nobody could figure out where to go.  We finally figured it out and we all said Au Revoir 4 kisses and went our separate ways.

I made it back ok and Colette picked me up.

Tonya called around 9:30 to make sure I was back and we figured out I was at the other station than her.  I burst out into tears and have been crying every since.

Colette doesn't understand.  She keeps saying she isn't dead you know but Tonya is my only real friend in France.  I gotta get control of myself.  I am going to get sick if I'm not careful.

I read my millions of letters but I just want to go home. I'm tired of all this. My system is all screwed up. My period is 13 days late. I've never been this late before . I think maybe if I just sleep I'll be ok.  I don't know.  Only 4 days left.  I gotta make it...happily.

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